Fig. 10.
A and B, representative images showing c-Fos-ir (green) and orexin-A-ir (red) in PeFLH area 2 hours after a saline or CNO (1 mg/kg, ip) injection in TH-Cre+ rats, transfected bilaterally in A1/C1 regions with AAV2-DIO-hSyn-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry 6 wks prior to the feeding and blood glucose tests (Bar, 25 μm). Food intake and blood glucose levels are shown in panels C and D. cFos in orexin neurons and food intake, but not blood glucose, was increased by systemic CNO in the transfected rats. Li, A. J., Wang, Q., Elsarelli, M. M., Brown, R. L., & Ritter, S. (2015). Hindbrain Catecholamine Neurons Activate Orexin Neurons During Systemic Glucoprivation in Male Rats. Endocrinology, 156(8), 2807–2820. doi:10.1210/en.2015-1138