Artifact Elimination Strategy | Rules/Logic |
Provider marked artifacts | Marked as artifact in real time by the provider |
Artifact from arterial line | SBP > 200 and PP < 50 |
clamping, damping, or flushing; or cuff under external pressure | SBP > 150 and SBP ≤200 and PP < 30 |
SBP ≥ 100 and SBP ≤ 150 and PP < 15 | |
SBP < 100 and PP < 10 | |
Artifact from arterial line or cuff transducing signal but disconnected from patient | SBP ≤ 10 or DBP ≤ 10 |
SBP = DBP = MAP | |
MAP < 0 | |
MAP ≥ 140 | |
If any BP is marked as artifact, then all BP | |
measurements for that time will be marked | |
as artifact |
If artifact other than provider-marked, is detected for SBP, DBP, or MAP for a specific reading, then all three blood pressure values are marked as an artifact. BP, blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PP, pulse pressure (SBP – DBP); SBP, systolic blood pressure.