Table 1.
Data collected for each patient admitted for peritonsillar and DNI, from 2011 to 2016.
Age at the admission (years) |
Gender |
Hospital length of stay (HLS) (days) |
Hospital length of stay superior to 5 days (HLS>5 d), (days) |
Seasonal distribution (winter, spring, summer, autumn) |
Month at the admission |
Year at the admission |
Type of DNI (peritonsillar, parapharyngeal, retropharyngeal abscess/cellulitis) |
Side of Dni (left, right, bilateral) |
Etiology of the abscess/cellulitis |
Symptoms at presentation |
Time since the beginning of symptoms until admission (days) |
Tonsillar Hypertrophy (Friedman Grading Scale) at the admission |
History of previous DNI |
Site and side of previous DNI |
History of recurrent tonsillitis |
Comorbidities |
Pre- hospital antibiotherapy treatment |
Performance of a computed tomography (CT) scan at the admission |
Dimension of the abscess in CT scan (mm) (greater axis) |
Performance of incision and drainage |
Performance of drainage in the operative room |
Laboratorial measurements at admission (leucocyte count, neutrophil count, C reactive protein) |
Microbiology analysis of DNI |
Antibiotherapy during hospital stay |
Transfer to the hospital of local residency |
Occurrence of complications during hospital stay |
Need for surgical reintervention |
Need for antibiotherapy adjustment during hospital stay |
Need for performance of a CT scan during hospital stay, after admission |
DNI: deep neck infection.