Figure 2.
Superimposition of the rat P2X7 GDP binding domain (A) with molecular models of the homologous region from zebrafish P2X7, zebrafish nanor-b, and sponge ZCD-containing protein (B–D). Lateral chains of the rat GDP coordinating amino-acids (R546, H547R574, R578, and K583) are shown (A). Lateral chains are also represented for conserved residues in the other sequences (B–D). The green color refers to the template, i.e., to the rat structure. Models of zebrafish P2X7 (B), zebrafish nanor-b (C) or sponge ZCD containing protein (D) GDP binding regions (in blue, magenta, and gray, respectively) were superimposed to the structure of rat P2X7 (in green). The least Root Mean Square Deviation (lRMSD) is indicated with the number of atoms used for its computation. The rigid motion used to compute the lRMSD was used to superimpose the structures. Computed by the iterative aligner from Pymol.