Figure 2.
In vitro angiogenesis assay. Schematic illustration of the network formation assay within the Matrigel for testing of the angiogenesis potential (A). In contrast to CD133+ cells, a significant formation of network length and highest number of nodal points in the network of CD271+ cells as well as CD133+/CD271+ cell co-culture were observed (B). Representative phase contrast z-stack images of the mono- and co-culture assays (C). CD133+ cell culture in Matrigel led to a 10-fold higher level of ActA gene in comparison to CD133+/271+ cell co-culture (D). No differences were observed between CD271+ and CD133+/271+ cell culture assays for ActA, NGFR, and vWF gene expression (E). Mean ± SD; * p ≤ 0.015 vs. CD133, Mann–Whitney U test.