Table 2.
Secondary metabolite clusters affected by VosA in ascospores.
Secondary Metabolite Gene Cluster (Number of Genes in the Cluster) |
Upregulated Genes in the ΔvosA Ascospores |
Asperthecin (3) | aptA, aptB, aptC |
Derivative of benzaldehyde 1 and F9775 hybrid cluster 1 (9) | dbaA, dbaB, dbaC, dbaE, dbaF, dbaH, dbaI |
Derivative of benzaldehyde 2 and F9775 hybrid cluster 2 (3) | orsA, orsB, orsC |
Microperfuranone cluster (3) | CYP620D1, AN3394, mica |
Monodictyphenone cluster (12) | mdpA, mdpB, mdpD, mdpE, mdpF, mdpH, mdpI, mdpJ, mdpK, mdpL, |
Sterigmatocystin cluster (24) | stcW, stcV, stcU, stcT, stcS, stcQ, stcO, stcN, stcI, stcF, aflR, stcE, stcC, stcB, stcA, stcK, AN7817, AN7819, AN7822, AN11017, AN11021 |
pkdA cluster (11) | pkdA, AN0524, AN0525, AN0526, AN0527, AN0528, AN0529, AN0530, AN0531, AN0533 |