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. 2020 Jan 5;12(1):134. doi: 10.3390/cancers12010134

Table 1.

Patients’ characteristics

Variable N = (174)
Age (years) 70.5 (11.4)
Gender (female) 42.0% (73)
Complication in the first 28 postoperative days 18.4% (32)
Anesthetic agent (N = 166)
Halogenated 75.3% (125)
Intravenous 20.5% (34)
Both 4.2% (7)
Intraoperative remifentanil perfusion (N = 169) 47.9% (81)
First postoperative 96 h total opioid dose 76.43 (34.76)
Intraoperative epidural analgesia (Yes) 16.1% (28)
Red blood cell transfusion in the first postoperative 96 h 30.5% (53)
CEA value at diagnosis (N = 163) (U∙mL−1) 2.60 [1.60–5.10]
Surgical duration (min) 217.52 (88.22)
Preoperative total proteins (g∙dL−1) 7.00 [6.00–7.00]
Preoperative Hemoglobin value (g∙dL−1) 12.03 (2.07)
Number of affected lymph nodes 0 [0–2]
Preoperative chemotherapy (Yes) 10.3% (18)
Preoperative radiotherapy (Yes) 9.8% (17)
Postoperative chemotherapy (Yes) 50.0% (87)
Postoperative radiotherapy (Yes) 1.7% (3)
ASA score (N = 157)
1 7.6% (12)
2 54.8% (86)
3 33.8% (53)
4 3.8% (6)
HTA (Yes) 54.6% (95)
Diabetes Mellitus (Yes) 19.5% (34)
Reintervention Yes) 6.3% (11)
Readmission (Yes) 3.4% (6)
Dukes (N = 153)
A 1.3% (2)
B 51.0% (78)
C 46.4% (71)
D 1.3% (2)
Cancer Staging (III) 44.8% (78)
Ca 19–9 value at diagnosis (U∙mL−1) (N = 124) 11.1 [5.3–18.5]
Resection margins (R+) (N = 135) 19% (25)
Tumoral tissue differentiation (N = 169)
Poor/Undifferentiated 12.0% (20)
Moderately differentiated 78% (132)
Well differentiated 10.0% (17)

Values are reported as mean (standard deviation) or percentage (N) or median [25th–75th percentile] as appropriate. HTA: Arterial hypertension; CEA: Carcinoembryonic antigen; ASA: American Society of Anesthesiology; Ca 19-9: Carbohydrate antigen 19-9; R+: Positive resection margin.