Overview of the Y chromosome organization. Rows from the top: (1) Short (Yp) and long (Yq) arms of the Y chromosome; (2) numbered cytogenetic bands; (3) chromosome banding according to the US National Library of Medicine, retrieved on October 25, 2018, at https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/chromosome/Y#idiogram (note: The region q12 is shortened (white cut), due to its large extension compared to the rest of the chromosome); (4) localization of the SRY gene, of the PAR regions (PAR2 is indicated by an asterisk, due to its small size) and of the AZF regions; (5) extension of the euchromatic (MSYe) and heterochromatic (MSYh) portions of the MSY region; (6) approximate length in megabases (millions of base pairs, Mb) of the short arm, euchromatic portion of the long arm and heterocromatic portion of the long arm.