E1A overexpression rescues NaBut-dependent inhibition of FoxO activity in E1A + Ras cells. (a) The relative luciferase activity in E1A + Ras and MER-1A cells transfected with FHRE-Luc or in E1A + Ras cells co-transfected with FHRE-Luc and vector coding E1A 12S, untreated or treated with 4 mM NaBut for 24–72 h. (b) The plots representing the dynamics of E1A expression under NaBut treatment in cells described for previous experiments. Immunoblotting of cell extracts with antibodies against E1Aad5 in E1A + Ras, MER-1A, and E1A + Ras cells after additional E1A expression (stable and transient transfection), either untreated (ctrl) or treated with 4 mM NaBut for 24–48 h. E1A expression levels and FoxO activity are represented in relation to the control samples (untreated cells), which were set as 1. Single asterisk represents significant difference from baseline (p < 0.05).