This figure shows the effect of serine-arginine protein kinase 1 downregulation (↓SRPK1) on distinct oncogenic processes, highlighting its potential role as a therapeutic target in various malignancies. Fourteen different cancer types are shown. Arrows and inhibition symbols represent promotion or suppression, respectively, of the pointed processes after SRPK1 downregulation in each one of the listed cancer types. Red color means the specific interaction between SRPK1 and the pointed process is discussed in the literature. Gray color could mean that the interaction is not described, described but not activated (e.g., ↓SRPK1 doesn’t involve proliferation, migration, and invasion in prostate cancer or proliferation in melanoma) or described with an opposite result in the literature (e.g., ↓SRPK1 enhances resistance, rather than sensitivity to chemotherapy in gliomas).