A: Whole hearts from wildtype and MFS pigs
(Fbn1Glu433AsnfsX98/+) at 2-
and 4-years-of-age. Note that the left atrium is enlarged in the MFS heart at 4
years-of-age (yellow arrows). Corresponding mitral valves including anterior and
posterior leaflets are depicted in situ. Valve thickening is apparent by gross
inspection, illustrated by increased opaqueness of the leaflets versus wildtype
controls (yellow arrows). B: Histological sections of posterior
leaflets of the mitral valves stained with Movat’s pentachrome are
depicted and show thickening (arrows; upper panels) of the mitral valves in MFS
pig hearts at 2- and 4- years-of-age versus controls. Note that the chordae
tendineae are also markedly thickened in MFS hearts. At higher magnification
(lower panels), MFS pig hearts exhibit loss of tri-laminar ECM organization of
the atrialis (elastin), spongiosa (proteoglycan), and fibrosa (collagen) layers
versus controls. C: By immunofluorescence, CD14+ monocytes and
CD163 macrophages can be observed in the regions highlighted by the dotted box
(B, lower panels). Overall, monocytes and macrophages were increased in Marfan
syndrome pigs vs wildtype controls. Magnified view of double-positive cells is
depicted in insets and separated by red and green fluorescent channels.
D: CD68+ macrophages are depicted in comparable regions using
sister sections. E: Quantification of macrophages in MFS pigs (n=6)
versus controls (n=3). Data are represented as mean ± SEM.
*p<0.05. n.s. = not significant. Scale bars = 300mm
(A); 2mm (upper panels in B) and 200μm (lower panels in B); and
100μm (C, D). Abbreviations: LA=Left atrium; y/o=year-old; MFS=Marfan
Syndrome; Ant.=Anterior leaflet; Post.=Posterior leaflet; HPF=High power