Table 1.
Advantages and disadvantages of cfDNA methylation detection methods for biomarker discovery.
Method | |||||
Features | MethDet-M3 | MSP | QMSP | Targeted Amplicon Sequencing | RRBS |
DNA methylation
discrimination |
Methylation-sensitive endonuclease |
Bisulfite Treatment |
Bisulfite Treatment |
Bisulfite Treatment |
Bisulfite Treatment |
Coverage | Medium/Low | Targeted | Targeted | Targeted | Medium |
Throughput | Medium | Low | Medium | Medium/High | High |
Sensitivity |
Medium | Low | Medium | Low | Low |
Specificity |
High | Low/Medium | Medium | Medium | Medium |
Advantages | Scalable (e.g., microarray) | Fast results Cost-effective |
Quantitative | Scalable (e.g., NGS) Single CpG methylation status |
Scalable (e.g., NGS) Single CpG methylation status |
Disadvantages | Risk of false positive/negative | Limited coverage | Limited coverage | May require extensive data analysis | Extensive data analysis |
Popularity | Unpopular | Very Popular | Popular | Popular | Popular |