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. 2003 Jan 20;2003(1):CD002147. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002147

Desaint 1987.

Methods Randomised: yes, but method not described. 
 Concealment: method not described. 
 Double‐blind: no. 
 Description of withdrawals/dropouts: no. 
 Length of FU: unknown. 
 Jadad Score: 1/5.
Participants Country: Italy 
 Diagnosis of bleeding: by endoscopy. 
 Source of bleeding: all confirmed or unconfirmed varices. 
 Endoscopy: performed in all patients prior to randomisation. 
 Diagnosis of cirrhosis: unknown. 
 16 patients with 16 episodes. 
 Child's A = 13%, B = 44%, C = 43%. 
 Alcoholic cirrhosis = unknown.
Interventions Terlipressin versus vasopressin.
Rx1: 2 mg iv every 6 h until bleeding cessation, then 1mg every 6 h for another 24 h. 
 Rx2: vasopressin 0.3 U/Kg/h iv infusion for 6 h. Repeated after 12 h in case of failure.
Time from admission to treatment: unknown.
Initial sclerotherapy: none.
Outcomes 1. Mortality at discharge. 
 2. Failure of initial hemostasis at 24 h. 
 3. Rebleeding at discharge. 
 4. Procedures required for hemostasis: NR. 
 5. Blood transfusions: NR. 
 6. LOS: NR.
Notes Source of funding: unknown.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear