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. 2003 Jan 20;2003(1):CD002147. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002147

Escorsell 2000.

Methods Randomised: yes, by computer generated sequence . 
 Concealment: sealed and opaque envelopes . 
 Double‐blind: no. 
 Description of withdrawals/dropouts: yes. 
 Length of FU: 42 days. 
 Jadad score: 3/5
Participants Country: France, Spain. 
 Diagnosis of bleeding: by endoscopy. 
 Source of bleeding: all confirmed or unconfirmed varices. 
 Endoscopy in all patients prior to randomisation on average five hr after admission. 
 Diagnosis of cirrhosis: histological or clinical. 
 219 patients with 219 admissions. 
 Child's A = 20% B = 50% C = 30%. 
 Alcoholic cirrhosis = 40%.
Interventions Terlipressin versus sclerotherapy.
R x 1: terlipressin 2 mg iv every 4 h until control of bleeding then 1mg evert 4 h for another five days. 
 R x 2: sclerotherapy. 
 Time from admission to treatment: 6.1 h.
Initial sclerotherapy: not relevant.
Outcomes 1. Mortality at 42 days. 
 2. Failure of initial haemostasis at 48 h. 
 3. Rebleeding at 42 days. 
 4. Procedures required for haemostasis. 
 5. Blood transfusions. 
 6. LOS.
Notes Source of funding: (?)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Low risk A ‐ Adequate