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. 2018 Apr 18;49(2):687–695. doi: 10.3906/sag-1806-50

Table 3.

The relationship between circHIPK3 expression level (as divided into two groups based on the median of ΔCt) in GC tissues with clinicopathological parameters

Characteristic Number (#30)(%) cir_ITCH expression P-value
Low (#15) High (#15)
Gender Male Female 1614 78 96 0.36
Age (years) ≥70 <70 1416 213 123 0.0005**
Depth of invasion T2 T3-T4 129 114 015 0.50
N classification NX-N0 N1 N2-N3 61113 555 168 0.08
M classification MX M0 M1 5196 573 0123 0.28(M0 vs. M1)
TNM stage I-II III IV 1686 744 942 0.31
Perineural invasion Negative 
 Positive 1218 510 78 0.35
Lymphatic invasion Negative Positive 624 213 411 0.34
Tumor size (cm) ≥5 <5 255 123 132 0.50
Tumor grades I II III 9813 744 249 0.04**
Tumor types Diffuse Intestinal 1416 510 96 0.13

* A higher ΔCt value indicates higher expression. ** Statistically significant.