(A-D) Representative cryo-EM micrographs of IMPDH2 treated with 2.5 mM ATP (A), 0.5 mM ATP, 2 mM IMP, and 2 mM NAD+ (B), 2 mM ATP and 2 mM IMP (C), or 2 mM ATP and 2 mM NAD+ (D). Full datasets contained 480, 2169, 2289, and 2178 micrographs, respectively. Scale bars 100 nm. (E) Template-based picking, unmasked refinement, density subtraction, and masked refinement results in a reconstruction of the eight symmetrically arranged catalytic domains that make up the filament assembly interface. (F) Reverting to the un-subtracted particles, expanding the D4 symmetry, and classifying without alignment using a mask including a single filament segment identifies different segment conformations. (G) The best resolved map of each filament segment class was obtained by pooling similar classes, re-extracting and re-centering the refinement from the assembly interface onto to the canonical octamer, collapsing the symmetry expansion by deleting all Euler angle priors and removing overlapping particles, and re-refining from scratch, with additional classification and application of point-group symmetry resulting in further improvements in resolution.