Fig. 2: NEK10 is a ciliated cell-specific gene required for effective mucociliary transport.
a, 18S rRNA-normalized relative expression of indicated transcripts from FACS-sorted ALI cells; dashed line indicates expression level from unsorted mature ALI. b, confocal immunofluorescence of GFP in ciliated cells in NEK10p:eGFP ALI, representative of 2 independent ALI differentiations, scale bar 10μm. c, pseudocolored video microscopy of ALI of the indicated genotypes, representative of 3 independent ALI differentiations, scale bars 50μm. d, MCT (μOCT) of mature ALI of the indicated genotypes, n=485 (NEK10WT), 180 (NEK10G>C) pooled from 3 independent ALI differentiations, plot indicates median (center line), 25th/75th percentiles (box), 10th/90th (whiskers) percentiles, and remaining points (open circles). e, PCL (μOCT) of ALI of the indicated genotypes, n=11 (NEK10WT), 12 (NEK10G>C) pooled from 3 independent ALI differentiations, mean ±S.E.M. f, pseudocolored video microscopy of CRISPR/Cas9-edited ALI, representative fields from 3 independent ALI differentiations, scale bars 50μm. g, MCT of CRISPR/Cas9-edited ALI, n=361 (sgAAVS1), 131 (sgNEK10a), 59 (sgNEK10b), 104 (sgNEK10c) pooled from 3 independent ALI differentiations, plotted as in (g). h, PCL of CRISPR/Cas9-edited ALI, n=4 (sgAAVS1), 4 (sgNEK10a), 5 (sgNEK10b), 6 (sgNEK10c) pooled from 3 independent ALI differentiations, mean ±S.E.M. i, MCT of NEK10G>C ALI expressing the indicated cDNAs, n=71 (no cDNA), 254 (NEK10WT), 129 (NEK10K548R), 1081 (NEK10S684D), pooled from 3 independent ALI differentiations, mean ±S.E.M. j, MCT of NEK10WT ALI expressing the indicated cDNAs, n=1385 (FOXJ1:NEK10K548R), 1624 (FOXJ1:NEK10WT), 728 (FOXJ1:NEK10S684D), 401 (NEK10:NEK10K548R), 426 (NEK10:NEK10WT) pooled from 3 independent ALI differentiations, plotted as in (g). *p≤0.05, **p≤0.01, ****p≤0.0001