Fig. 5. B3GALT4 localizes at trans-cisternae of the Golgi.
a Left: HeLa cells stably expressing FLAG-6His tagged B3GALT4 were fixed and stained as described to detecting the FLAG tag (green) and a cis-Golgi marker (GM130; blue) and a TGN marker (TGN46; red). Scale bar, 10 μm. b Average localizations of the indicated Golgi proteins in HeLa cells (see Supplementary Fig. 6d) relative to GM130 (cis) and TGN46 (TGN) markers. Error bars indicate mean ± SD the number of measurements by linescan analysis for PGAP4 (41 images), B4GALNT1 (31 images), and B3GALT4 (29 images). c B3GALT4 colocalizes with the Golgi markers in HeLa cells. Left: Cells stably expressing FLAG-6His tagged B3GALT4 were fixed and stained for FLAG tag (green), as well as markers (magenta): Calnexin (ER), GM130 (cis-Golgi), B4GALT1 (Trans Golgi cisterna), and TGN46 (TGN). Scale bar, 10 μm. d Localization of B3GALT4 analyzed with 3D-SIM super-resolution microscopy. Left: a maximum intensity z-projection of B3GALT4 (green) and B4GALT1 or TGN46 (magenta), and a magnified region of Golgi in one of the cells. Right: ten magnified serial z-sections. For (a) and (b), right panel shows linescan analysis along a portion of the white line overlaying the image (left). Source data for (b) are provided as a Source Data file.