Table 2.
Parameter | Base-case value (SE) | Distribution | Source |
Effects | |||
cDLT and reusable colonoscope: avoided bronchoscopy | 0% | Beta | RCT performed at OUH (see Sect. 2.2) |
VivaSight-DL: avoided bronchoscopy | 93.33% | Beta | RCT performed at OUH (see Sect. 2.2) |
Cost | |||
Cost per use of cDLT and reusable colonoscope | 347.61 (16.8) | Gamma | OUH |
Cost per use of VivaSight-DL (incl. Ambu® aView™) | 299.96 (12) | Gamma | Ambu A/S |
cDLT conventional double-lumen tube, DL double-lumen tube, OUH Odense University Hospital, RCT randomized controlled trial, SE standard error