Features of units encoding arousal and valence. (A) Population activity of the arousal-encoding units for the preferred (blue) and non-preferred (red) conditions. The time courses of the activities of the FOE unit were normalized by their precue period activities. Preferred and non-preferred conditions of arousal-positive or FOE(−) unit (top) and of arousal-negative or FOE(+) units (bottom) are shown on the left. (B) Mean of the differential activity relative to the “low–low” condition. Activities of FOE(−) units and the inverse of FOE(+) activities were mapped on the decision matrix (left). We compared the population mean activity in the “high-punishment,” “low–low,” and “high-reward” conditions (Paired t-test, ***P < 0.001; N.S.: P = 0.29 > 0.05). The arousal-encoding units did not discriminate between high-punishment and high-reward conditions. (C) Population activity of valence-encoding units. Preferred (blue) and non-preferred (red) conditions of the ChV(+) unit (top) and of ChV(−) units (bottom) are shown on the left. (D) Mean of the differential activity relative to the “low–low” condition. Activities of ChV(+) units and the inverse of ChV(−) activities were mapped on the decision matrix (left). We compared the population mean activity in the “high-punishment,” “low-low,” and “high-reward” conditions (Paired t-test, ***P < 0.001; N.S.: P = 0.87 > 0.05).