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. 2019 Dec 22;9(1):34. doi: 10.3390/jcm9010034

Table 2.

Characteristics of the selected studies.

Study Participants Cognitive Domain Elevated Blood Pressure Links to Cognitive Impairment Follow-Up (Years)
Group N Age M (SD) Sex (% men) a SBP M (SD) a DBP M (SD) a GC ME EF LG AT PS VS
Elias et al., 1990 [41] 301 44.1 (12.8) 45.1 135.0 (26.1) 88.0 (15.5) SBP/DBP Positive
Elias et al., 1995 [42] 1695 67.2 (7.5) 59.4 131.1 (17.6) 82.1 (9.4) SBP/DBP Not direct 28
Launer et al., 1995 [43] 3735 52.7 (4.7) 100 131.3 (16.6) 82.9 (9.4) SBP Positive 28
Cacciatore et al., 1997 [44] 1106 73.9 55 145.3 (19.0) 82.0 (9.2) DBP Positive -
Cerhan et al., 1998 [45] 13,913 45–69 44 SBP/DBP Positive in women
van Boxtel et al., 1997 [46] 943 25–80 50.3 SBP/DBP Non-Linear -
Kilander et al., 1998 [47] 999 100 82.0 (10.0) DBP Positive 20
Swan et al., 1998 [48] 717 76.3 (4.1) 134.2 (8.8) 85.8 (5.9) SBP Positive 25–30
Glynn et al., 1999 [49] 3809 >65 38 145.6 (6.2) SBP J curve 9
Di Carlo et al., 2000 [50] 3134 74.0 (5.6) SBP/DBP No Relationship
Knopman et al., 2001 [51] 10,882 56.8 (5.7) 44 SBP/DBP Positive 6
Bohannon, et al., 2002 [52] 3202 73 (6.29) 33 143.1 (20.3) 79.2 (11.8) SBP J curve 3
Izquierdo-Porrera and Waldstein, 2002 [53] 43 59.0 (11.2) 17.0 136.0 (21.0) 78.0 (11.0) DBP Positive -
Morris et al., 2002 [54] 5816 64–104 39 SBP/DBP U curve
Pandav et al., 2003 [55] 5446 74.1 (5.7) 43 141.3 (18.4) 76.2 (9.9) Low DBP Positive in Indian -
Elias et al., 2003 [56] Men 551 65.7 (6.9) 100 131.4 (14.6) 82.7 (8.3) SBP/DBP Positive only in men 4–6
Women 872 67.2 (7.3) 0 131.7 (16.9) 80.1 (8.4)
Reinprecht et al., 2003 [57] 186 68.0 DBP Positive 13
Kähönen-Väre et al., 2004 [58] 650 >75 26.3 157.9 (2.0) 82.3 (1.0) Lower DBP Positive 10
Kuo et al., 2004 [59] 70 72.0 (4.0) 55.7 134.4 (16.6) - SBP Positive -
Hebert et al., 2004 [60] 4284 74.0 (6.4) 48 139.6 (19.6) 77.3 (11.5) DBP U curve 6
Waldstein et al., 2005 [61] 847 70.6 (8.5) 59 138.7 (20.0) 82.0 (10.9) SBP/DBP U curve 11
Kuo et al., 2005 [62] 2802 73.6 (5.9) 24.1 SBP Positive 2
Singh-Manoux & Marmot, 2005 [63] Man 5838 43.9 (6.0) SBP/DBP Positive in men 2
Woman 44.4 (6.0)
Wharton et al., 2006 [64] 105 19.2 (1.1) 43 114.1 (12.6) 70.7 (9.3) SBP/DBP Positive -
Axelsson et al., 2008 [65] 97 81 100 SBP/DBP Negative -
Knecht et al., 2008 [66] 377 64.0 (6.6) 45.4 144.0 (18.8) 85.0 (10.8) SBP Positive -
Gupta et al., 2008 [67] 85 52.0 (7.5) 69.4 137.4 (27.2) 89.7 (18.3) b SBP/DBP Positive -
Obisesan et al., 2008 [68] 5724 >60 42.9 139.8 74.7 SBP/DBP Positive -
Knecht et al., 2009 [69] 377 64.0 (6.6) 45.4 144.0 (18.8) SBP Positive -
Gunstad et al., 2009 [70] 99 69.2 (7.5) 60.6 SBP/DBP Negative -
Arntzen et al., 2011 [71] Men 2227 58.8 (9.2) 143.3 (19.3) SBP Positive 7
Women 2806 58.2 (9.7) 141.6 (22.6)
Yeung and Thornton, 2011 [72] 74 66.2 (8.4) 0 120.4 (17.2) 75.1 (11.1) SBP/DBP Positive -
Goldstein et al., 2013 [73] 1385 73.5 (8.9) 48.7 134.1 (14.3) 74.7 (9.0) SBP/DBP Positive 3
Crichton et al., 2014 [74] 972 23–98 41 SBP/DBP Positive -
Gottesman et al., 2014 [75] 13,476 57.0 (6.0) SBP/DBP Positive 20
Yaffe et al., 2014 [76] 3381 18–30 SBP/DBP Positive 25
Conway et al., 2015 [77] 319 72 34 SBP/DBP Positive SBP and Negative DBP -
Goldstein et al., 2017 [78] 844 74.7 36 140.9 76.2 SBP/DBP Positive 4
Ferreira et al., 2017 [79] 131 67.7 (5.3) 48.1 136.7 (16.1) 73.6 (9.4) SBP Indirect relation 7
Waldstein et al., 1996 [80] Young normotensive 26 35.1 (3.8) 100 117.9 (8.0) 74.3 (7.9) SBP/DBP Positive in young -
Young hypertensive 59 35.15 (3.9) 145.6 (13.5) 97.2 (7.1)
Middle-aged normotensive 24 46.6 (4.5) 118.3 (10.2) 75.3 (5.2)
Middle-aged hypertensive 64 48.1 (4.7) 146.9 (7.9) 97.8 (7.9)
Harrington et al., 2000 [81] Hypertensive 107 76.0 (4.0) 45 164.0 (9.0) 89.0 (7.0) SBP/DBP Positive -
Normotensive 116 76.0 (4.0) 50 131.0 (10.0) 74.0 (7.0)
André-Petersson, et al., 2001 [82] Normotensive 72 68 100 b SBP/DBP Positive -
Hypertensive 1 166
Hypertensive 2 138
Hypertensive 3 88
André-Petersson et al., 2003 [83] Normotensive 24 68 100 b SBP/DBP Positive 13
Hypertensive 1 73
Hypertensive 2 46
Hypertensive 3 25
Saxby et al., 2003 [84] Hypertensive 250 76.4 (4.0) 47 165.0 (8.0) 88.0 (7.0) SBP/DBP Positive -
Normotensive 256 56 131.0 (11.0) 73.0 (7.0)
Waldstein and Katzel, 2004 [85] Normotensive: b SBP/DBP Positive -
Men 30 66.8 (6.7) 100 123.2 (10.2) 71.8 (6.7)
Women 26 65.1 (6.6) 0 117.3 (10.7) 67.1 (6.9)
Men 31 68.9 (6.6) 100 147.4 (13.7) 80.4 (7.5)
Women 11 66.1 (5.6) 0 146.2 (13.5) 81.4 (6.9)
Brady et al., 2005 [86] Normal blood pressure: c SBP/DBP No direct 3
Normotensive 203 66.0 (7.0) 124.4 (9.4) 78.5 (5.9)
Controlled 34 68.6 (6.0) 127.2 (7.9) 77.8 (8.1)
Untreated 75 68.4(7.5) 156.8 (16.1) 89.1(11)
Uncontrolled 45 69.5(6.1) 15.2(14.3) 89.0(9.4)
Waldstein et al., 2005 [87] Normotensive: 101 b SBP/DBP Positive -
Normal BP 65.8 (6.5) 61 120.0 (10.6) 69.6 (7.2)
High BP 67.0 (6.0) 65 145.5 (7.8) 80.9 (5.4)
Normal BP 68.4 (9.8) 69 132.7 (5.4) 76.5 (7.9)
High BP 67.6 (5.0) 72 159.3 (8.8) 84.8 (6.5)
Hannesdottir et al., 2009 [88] Normotensive 30 68.3 (8.5) 53.3 127.0 (11.3) 74.0 (10.0) SBP/DBP Positive -
Treated Hypertension 40 69.3(11.3) 60.0 152.0(19.4) 85.0(11.0)
Untreated Hypertension 10 57.6(6.1) 50.0 167.0(16.3) 100.0(6.3)
Huang et al., 2009 [89] Hypertension 446 93.6(3.4) 31.1 154.8(17.4) 77.0(6.0) SBP/DBP No relation -
Normotension 336 93.7(3.4) 34.2 120.3(12.3) 66.9(9.3)
Yeung and Loken Thornton, 2017 [90] Hypertensive 71 70.3(6.5) 50 136.3(10.2) 73.3(8.6) SBP Positive -
Normotensive 62 70.2(6.4) 38 119.3(12.8) 71.2(8.4)

M = mean; SD = standard deviation; SBP = Systolic Blood Pressure; DBP = Diastolic Blood Pressure; ✘ = domain assessed but not impairment by specific study; ✓ = domain assessed and impairment by specific study; GC = global cognition; ME = memory; LG = language; AT = attention; EF = executive functioning; PS = information processing speed; VS = visuoperceptual skills; a not reported in all studies; b Visual memory impairment; c Visual Attention impairment.