HSV-2 inhibits mDC transwell migration toward a CCL19 chemokine-gradient early upon infection. (A) Mature DCs were mock-, HSV-1- (MOI of 2) or HSV-2-infected (MOI of 5) and harvested 24 hpi. (B) Mature DCs were mock-, HSV-2- (MOI of 5), or HSV-2 UV-infected (MOI of 5; 1.200 J/cm2) and harvested 4 hpi. (A,B) Cells were subjected to transwell migration assays on fibronectin-coated transwell inserts toward a CCL19 chemokine-gradient (100 ng/mL). Spontaneous migration without addition of chemokines (“w/o”) in the lower wells served as control. Migration capacity was determined after 2 h and percentages of migrated cells were quantified by assessing their β-glucuronidase activity. Mock- (white columns), HSV-1- (black columns), HSV-2 (gray columns), and HSV-2 UV-infected (gray striped columns) mDCs are depicted. The experiments were performed three times with cells from different healthy donors. Error bars indicate ± SD. Significant changes (**** = p < 0.0001; *** = p < 0.001; ** = p < 0.01; * = p < 0.1) are marked by asterisks.