Figure 8.
HSV-2 induces β2 integrin activity very early after infection. Mock- (white bars), HSV-1- (MOI of 2, black filled bars), HSV-1 UV- (MOI of 2; 8 × 0.12 J/cm2, black striped bar), HSV-2- (MOI of 5; gray filled bars), or HSV-2 UV-infected (MOI of 5; 8 × 0.12 J/cm2, gray striped bar) mDCs were harvested 4 hpi and 24 hpi. As positive control, mock-treated cells were treated with or without Mg/EGTA 4 hpi as indicated. Cells were stained with the antibody mAb24 specific for the activated epitope of CD11a/CD18 (β2) integrins, or the respective isotype control, and analyzed via flow cytometry. Changes in β2 integrin activity for the indicated conditions are shown as ΔMedian (mAb24-isotype) relative to mock-infected mDCs (white bar; set to “1”). The experiment was performed five (24 hpi) to seven (4 hpi) times with cells of different healthy donors. Error bars indicate ± SD. Significant changes (*** = p < 0.001; ** = p < 0.01; * = p < 0.05) are marked by asterisks.