Table A1.
Search terms and results for the systematic review assessing the effect of macronutrient distribution on sleep quality.
Database | Search Terms | Filter | Results Yielded |
PubMed | (sleep [MeSH] OR “sleep”) AND (dietary proteins [MeSH] OR dietary fats [MeSH] OR dietary carbohydrates [MeSH] OR “macronutrients” OR “macronutrient”) | Human English Adult (19+) | 250 |
Medline (Ovid) | (sleep [MeSH] OR “sleep”) AND (dietary proteins [MeSH] OR dietary fats [MeSH] OR dietary carbohydrates [MeSH] OR “macronutrients” OR “macronutrient”) | Human Adult (19+) | 132 |
CINAHL | ((MH "Dietary Fats+") OR (MH "Dietary Proteins+") OR (MH "Dietary Carbohydrates+") OR "Macronutrients" OR "Macronutrient") AND sleep | Human English Adult (19+) | 60 |
Cochrane | (sleep [MeSH]) AND (dietary proteins [MeSH] OR dietary fats [MeSH] OR dietary carbohydrates [MeSH] OR “macronutrients” OR “macronutrient”) | - | 69 |
Total | 511 |