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. 2019 Dec 28;9(1):82. doi: 10.3390/jcm9010082

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics and screening tests according to gastrointestinal involvement in 240 patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT).

GI Involvement
(n = 67)
No GI Involvement
(n = 28)
p Value Unsuspected GI Involvement
(n = 145)
p Value *
Clinical characteristics
Gender (female), n (%) 35 (52.2) 18 (64.3) 0.380 84 (57.9) 0.437
Age years-old, mean (SD) 59.5 (11.1) 56.9 (13.3) 0.332 44.3 (16.3) <0.001
Epistaxis age of presentation, mean (SD) 16.6 (13.1) 13.8 (7.4) 0.207 16.1 (11.9) 0.813
Underlying conditions, n (%)
Smoking history 38 (56.7) 8 (28.6) 0.012 59 (40.7) 0.029
Alcoholism 15 (22.4) 4 (14.3) 0.368 13 (9) 0.007
Hypertension 25 (37.3) 11 (39.3) 0.857 27 (18.6) 0.003
Diabetes mellitus 14 (20.9) 3 (10.7) 0.238 9 (6.2) 0.001
Dislipemia 24 (35.8) 11 (39.3) 0.750 31 (21.4) 0.026
Ischemic heart disease 15 (22.4) 3 (10.7) 0.186 12 (8.3) 0.004
Lung disease 19 (28.4) 6 (21.4) 0.484 12 (8.3) <0.001
CNS ischemic disease 13 (19.4) 1 (3.6) 0.059 11 (7.6) 0.012
Heart failure 7 (10.4) 0 0.101 2 (1.4) 0.005
Cancer 9 (13.4) 0 0.054 8 (5.5) 0.048
Atrial fibrillation 9 (13.4) 2 (7.1) 0.498 4 (2.8) 0.005
HHT screening,
Curaçao criteria ≥ 3, n (%) 67 (100) 27 (96.4) 0.295 136 (93.8) 0.060
Epistaxis, n (%)
ESS, mean (SD)
ESS ≥ 4, n (%)
67 (100)
4.2 (2.2)
35 (56.5)
27 (96.4)
3.5 (1.9)
10 (37)
137 (94.5)
3.4 (2.2)
52 (36.4)
Family history, n (%) 61 (91) 26 (92.9) 1.000 141 (97.2) 0.076
Muco-cutaneous telangiectasia, n (%) 67 (100) 27 (96.4) 0.295 139 (95.9) 0.180
Visceral involvement (excluding GI involvement), n (%) 53 (79.1) 19 (67.9) 0.318 89 (61.3) 0.012
Genetic test, n (%)
Undergone 40 (59.7) 20 (71.4) 0.280 106 (73.1) 0.050
ENG 21 (52.5) 4 (20) 0.001 50 (49) 0.709
ACVRL1 17 (42.5) 14 (70) 0.044 42 (41.2) 0.886
Negative 2 (5) 2 (10) 0.595 9 (8.8) 0.728
Blood test,
Hemoglobin levels (g/dL), mean (SD) 113.1 (24.7) 131.4 (22.6) 0.007 133.9 (22.9) <0.001
Minimal hemoglobin levels (g/dL), mean (SD) 84.3 (30.8) 108.3 (32.7) 0.002 118.2 (30.5) <0.001
Ferritin level < 15 ug/L, n (%) 56 (83.6) 15 (55.6) 0.004 76 (55.1) <0.001
Other tests,
Positive contrast TTE, n (%) 45 (67.1) 13 (46.4) 0.252 94 (64.8) 0.640
CI at TTE (l/min/m²), mean (SD) 3.4 (0.9) 3.4 (1.2) 0.988 2.9 (0.6) <0.001
sPAP at TTE (mm Hg), mean (SD) 37.9 (12.3) 31.3 (7.1) 0.024 29.8 (6.9) <0.001
sPAP > 40mmHg, n (%) 12 (32.4) 2 (15.4) 0.303 6 (9.5) 0.004
Pulmonary AVM at CT, n (%) 25 (37.3) 3 (10.7) 0.256 39 (26.8) 0.077
Abdominal CT, n (%) 62 (92.5) 22 (78.6) 0.077 103 (71) <0.001
Hepatic involvement 40 (59.7) 17 (60.7) 0.271 53 (36.5) 0.101
Other visceral involvement 34 (50.7) 10 (35.7) 0.487 29 (20) 0.001
CNS involvement, n (%) 5 (7.5) 0 0.298 5 (3.4) 0.482

GI: Gastrointestinal; ACVRL1: Activin A receptor type II-like 1 gene; ENG: Endoglin gene; SD: Standard deviation; CI: Cardiac index; sPAP: Systolic pulmonary artery pressure; TTE: Transthoracic echocardiography; CNS: Central nervous system. * Comparison between GI involvement and unsuspected GI involvement groups.