Table 3.
1 | BMI between < 18 or > 35. |
2 | Has an implantable electronic device. |
3 | Uncontrolled diabetes as evidenced by an HbA1c > 7%. |
4 | Pulmonary nodule thought to be at high risk of malignancy. |
5 | Malignancy treated with radiation or chemotherapy within 2 years of consent. |
6 | More than 3 respiratory-related hospitalizations within 1 year of consent. |
7 | Asthma as defined by the current GINA guidelines. |
8 | Patient has been previously diagnosed with a non-COPD lung disease or has a documented medical history of pneumothorax. |
9 | Clinically relevant bronchiectasis, defined as severe single lobe or multilobar bronchial wall thickening associated with airway dilation on CT scan leading to cough and tenacious sputum on most days. |
10 | Pre-existing diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension, defined as a sustained elevation of the systolic pulmonary artery pressure ≥ 25 mmHg at rest by right heart catheterization or estimated by echocardiogram to be > 40 mmHg. |
11 | Myocardial infarction within last 6 months, EKG with evidence of life-threatening arrhythmias or acute ischemia, pre-existing documented evidence of a LVEF < 45%, stage C or D (ACC/AHA) or Class III or IV (NYHA) congestive heart failure, or any other cardiac findings that make the participant an unacceptable candidate for a bronchoscopic procedure utilizing general anesthesia. |
12 | Known gastrointestinal motility disorder or previous abdominal surgical procedure on stomach, esophagus, or pancreas. |
13 | A GCSI total symptom score ≥ 18.0 (sum of PAGI-SYM questions 1–9) prior to treatment. |
14 | Any disease or condition that might interfere with completion of a procedure or this study (e.g., structural esophageal disorder, life expectancy < 3 years). |
15 | Prior lung or chest procedure. Segmentectomy for benign lesion or segmentectomy for non-recurrent cancer ≥2 years is allowed. |
16 | Daily use of > 10 mg of prednisone or its equivalent at the time of consent. |
17 | Recent (within 3 months of consent) opioid use. |
18 | Known contraindication or allergy to medications required for bronchoscopy or general anesthesia that cannot be medically controlled. |
19 | Screening chest CT scan reveals bronchi anatomy cannot be fully treated with available catheter sizes, presence of severe emphysema > 50%, lobar attenuation area or severe bullous disease (> 1/3 hemithorax) (as determined by the CT core lab using a single density mask threshold of − 950 HU) or site discovery of a mass that requires treatment. |
20 | In the opinion of the treating Investigator, use of the Nuvaira System is not technically feasible due to patient anatomy or other clinical finding. |
21 | Enrolled in another clinical trial that has not completed follow-up. |
Abbreviations: ACC/AHA American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association; BMI body mass index; GCSI gastroparesis cardinal symptom index; GINA Global Initiative for Asthma; LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction; NYHA New York Heart Association; PAGI-SYM patient assessment of gastrointestinal disorders symptom severity index