Figure 1.
NMR signals from Y8 and Y25 OH groups at the protein-DNA interface of the complex of 13C,15N-labeled Antp HD and unlabeled 15-bp DNA at 15˚C. (A) The Tyr OH signals in a 1D 1H spectrum recorded with 15N decoupling. (B) Through-bond correlations between Tyr hydroxyl 1H and 13Cε nuclei observed in a long-range 1H-13C HMQC spectrum. 1Hε−13Cε correlations observed in a standard 1H-13C HMQC spectrum recorded for the same complex is also shown. (C) Interactions between Tyr side-chain OH and DNA phosphate groups in the 2.5-Å resolution crystal structure of the Antp HD–DNA complex (PDB 9ANT)30.