Figure 3.
Observation of hydrogen-bond scalar couplings h2JPH between DNA phosphate 31P and Tyr hydroxyl 1H nuclei for the Antp HD–DNA complex. (A) 2D long-range 1H-31P HMQC spectrum. 1H-31P correlation signals arising from coherence transfer via h2JPH couplings were observed for the Tyr8 and Tyr25 OH groups. 31P chemical shifts are with respect to TMP. (B) 1D 31P spectrum recorded for the same complex. The positions of the 31P resonances observed in the long-range 1H-31P HMQC are indicated by green arrow. (C) Data of 1D spin-echo h2JPH modulation difference experiment incorporating a 15N filter scheme. The signals from the Y8 and Y25 OH groups in the subspectra recorded with and without h2JPH modulation and a difference spectrum are shown. From these data, the values of | h2JPH | for the Y8 and Y25 OH groups were determined to be 3.0 ± 0.1 and 3.4 ± 0.3 Hz, respectively.