Fig. 5. CASZ1b directly upregulates skeletal muscle genes and downregulates neuronal genes.
a RNA-seq heatmap shows genes transcriptionally regulated and bound by CASZ1 based on RNA-seq data and ChIP-seq data (left panel) from SMS-CTRtetCASZ1b cells treated with or without Dox. Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) shows that CASZ1b directly upregulated genes are enriched in muscle formation and differentiation, but CASZ1b directly downregulated genes are enriched in development of neurons. b Examples of skeletal muscle genes positively regulated by CASZ1b and neuronal genes negatively regulated by CASZ1b based on normalized RNA-seq reads (CPM counts per million). c Composite plot shows an increased signal of RNA Pol II on the gene body of upregulated genes and a slightly decreased signal of RNA Pol II on the gene body of downregulated genes. d and e Composite plot shows an increased signal of H3K27ac, RNA Pol II, and ATAC-seq at CASZ1b peak center of 266 upregulated genes and a slightly decreased signal of H3K27ac, RNA Pol II, and ATAC-seq at CASZ1b peak center of 320 downregulated genes. f Signal tracks show the increase of CASZ1b, H3K27ac, RNA Pol II binding and signals of ATAC-seq and RNA-seq on directly upregulated skeletal muscle genes TNNT2, MYBPH, and TNNC2 before (-) and after ( + ) Dox treatment. g Signal tracks on downregulated neural genes NGF and SOX2. Decreased signal of H3K27ac and ATAC-seq was observed within NGF gene (orange box) but not SOX2 gene before (-) and after ( + ) Dox treatment. Data represent mean ± SEM, n = 3 biological replicates. Two-sided Student’s t-test was used to calculate statistical difference. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.