Fig. 2. Hydrophobic cofactors identified in the Fd-NDH-1L complex structure.
a Two side views of the Fd-NDH-1L complex with cofactors shown as spheres, colored as in Fig. 1b. Cofactors are color-coded and the scheme is shown below. BCR β-carotene, LHG dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol, SQD sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol, DGD digalactosyldiacylglycerol. b, c Close-up views of cofactor locations at the interfaces between NdhD1 and NdhP, NdhF1, and NdhB (b) and between NdhD1 and NdhQ, NdhF1, and NdhB (c). d, e Close-up views of cofactor locations in the heel of the complex around NdhA and NdhL. Red star denotes the entrance to the PQ-binding cavity (d). Interactions between DGD and NdhA/NdhL in the box region are enlarged in the inset shown below (e). Dashed magenta lines denote the intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions.