FIG 9.
True late or latent promoters deficient in priming gB-CD8s are capable of maintaining ganglionic gB-CD8s at latency. (A) Representation of an infection model in which mice received bilateral corneal infections with S1L, UL38p, or UL41p HSV-1 and flank infection with WT HSV-1. All corneal infections were with 1 × 105 PFU/scarified cornea, and flank infections were with 1 × 106 PFU on a scarified flank. (B and C) At 8 (acute) or 30 (latent) dpi, TG suspensions were analyzed by flow cytometry for CD45, CD3, and CD8 and the gB498–505 tetramer. Shown is the frequency of CD3+ CD8+ T cells in the TG that are gB tetramer positive. Five to 15 mice were analyzed per group. Bars represent the mean and standard deviation for each group. Statistical significance (P values) by one-way ANOVA is displayed above each group at latency.