ITGB3 aids in vIL-6-HUVEC adhesion to ECMs. (A) EV- and vIL-6-HUVEC were transfected for 48 h with nontargeting control or ITGB3 siRNAs, and cell lysates were collected for immunoblotting to confirm knockdown efficiency. (B) Cells treated as for panel A were stained with calcein-AM and plated for 30 min on wells precoated with fibronectin. Unattached cells were removed by gentle washes, and fluorescence was measured to quantify the relative amounts of cells adhered to the ECM component. (C) Similar to panel B, but with vitronectin-coated wells. Panels B and C represent the averages from three experiments, each with seven technical replicates. ***, P < 0.001.