Fatty acid composition of strain HR1 and closely related species and type species of the genus Microvirga. (Strains: 1. M. thermotolerans HR1 (data from this study); 2. M. flavescens c27j1 (data from this study); 3. M. indica S-MI1b (data from this study); 4. M. subterranean FaiI4 (data from this study); * Summed features are groups of two or three fatty acids, which cannot be separated using the MIDI system. Summed feature 2 contains C12:0 aldehyde and/or unknown ECL 10.9525; summed feature 3 contains C16:1 ω7c/C16:1 ω6c and/or C16:1 ω6c/C16:1 ω7c; summed feature 7 contains C19:1 ω7c/C19:1 ω6c and/or C19:1 ω6c/ω7c/19cy; summed feature 8 contains C18:1 ω7c and/or C18 1 ω6c.