Table 2.
Interview Code, Style | Interviwee Details: Job, Gender, Age Estimate |
Location within UK |
N1, Sit-down | Feed company salesperson, m, 40–50 | Midlands |
N2, Sit-down | Feed company calf specialist, f, 30–40 | Midlands |
DR1, Sit-down | Pharmaceutical company veterinary advisor, f, 30–40 | Midlands |
GA1, Sit-down | Government veterinary advisor, f, 40–50 | Southwest |
V1, Sit-down | Veterinary specialist in cattle health, m, 30–40 | Midlands |
V2, Sit-down | Youngstock veterinarian, f, 20–30 | Midlands |
V3, Sit-down | Veterinarian starting a youngstock discussion group, m, 20–30 | Yorkshire |
V4, Sit-down | Farm veterinarian, works on beef calf rearing unit, m, 20–30 | Yorkshire |
V5, Sit-down | Practice director and youngstock veterinarian, m, 30–40 | Southwest |
V6, Sit-down | Youngstock veterinarian, m, 30–40 | Southwest |
V7, Sit-down | Practice partner and farm veterinarian, f, 40–50 | Southwest |
V8, Sit-down | Practice partner and farm veterinarian, m, >50 | Southwest |
V10, Sit-down | Out of practice veterinarian, now feed consultant, m, 40–50 | Midlands |
V11, Sit-down | Youngstock veterinarian, f, 30–40 | Southwest |
Abbreviations: male (m), female (f).