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. 2019 Dec 23;9(1):13. doi: 10.3390/antiox9010013

Table 2.

Effects of Regular Exercise on Redox Status.

Exercise Type Study Subjects Training Protocol Findings Reference
RE training
(12 weeks)
Male F344 rats (n = 12, 2 groups)
Sedentary/control (C, n = 6)
Climbing exercise group (RT, n = 6)
Progressive RE protocol:
Climbing a ladder 135 cm length (grid step 2.5 cm, grade 60 degree)
Weight load attached to their tails.
1st circle 50% of their body weight (Bw) → 2 min rest
2nd circle 75% of their Bw → 2 min rest
3rd circle 90% of their Bw → 2 min rest
4th circle 100% of their Bw → 2 min rest
5th circle 100% + 30 g of their Bw → 2 min rest
Training was stopped when rats refused to climb.
Aortic rings under 40× and 200× magnification: no significant difference between groups.
In the aorta of rats:
↑ eNOS and AKT phosphorylation in RT group
↑ MnSOD and Redox factor-1 in RT group
↓ FOXO1 phosphorylation in RT group
Li et al., 2015 [61]
CVE training
(8 weeks)
Sprague Dawley rats (n = 60, 4 groups)
Sh = Sham sedentary group
Sh + ex = sham with exercise
OVX = ovariectomized sedentary group
OVX + ex = ovariectomized with exercise group
Exercise groups (Sh = ex, OVX + ex) performed CVE training: Running 15 min/day for the 1st week and 60 min/day at 18 m/min for 7 weeks. Effects of exercise on:
↑ CSE expression in myocardium in OVX + ex group
Anti-oxidative defense in myocardium:
↑ TAC in OVX + ex group
CAT & SOD → not change in OVX + ex group
↓ CAT & SOD in sham + ex group
Oxidative stress markers in myocardium:
↓ MDA level in OVX + ex group
Tang et al., 2016 [65]
RE training
(6 weeks)
Healthy young individuals (n = 32, 2 groups):
African Americans (AA, n = 14)
Caucasian (Cau, n = 18)
Moderate RE training: 3 sessions/week, 60 min/session
2-way body part split: legs, back and biceps on one day; chest, shoulder and triceps on a separate day.
↑ Strength in both groups
↓ blood pressure in Cau
↔ blood pressure in AA
↓ MMP-9 in AA
↔ MMP-9 in Cau
↓ 8-isoprostane (8-IsoP) in AA
↔ IL-10, TNF-a, sVCAM-1, MMP-2
Cook et al., 2013 [91]
CVE training
(12 weeks)
Spontaneously hypertensive rats 12 weeks, 5 days/week, 60 min/session, 55–65% max running speed ↓ oxidative stress
↑ NO bioavailability
↓ blood pressure
Improve mechanical and functional alterations of the coronary and small mesenteric arteries
Roque et al., 2013 [94]
CVE training
(4 weeks)
Wistar rats (n = 80, 8 groups)
CS = control + sedentary,
CE = control + exercise,
CSQ = control + sedentary + quercetin,
CEQ = control + exercise + quercetin,
DS = diabetes + sedentary,
DE = diabetes + exercise,
DSQ = diabetes + sedentary + quercetin,
DEQ = diabetes + exercise + quercetin.
CE, CEQ, DE & DEQ performed moderate chronic aerobic exercise (swimming) 1 h/day, 5 days/week. ↓ MDA & PC levels in aortic tissue in exercises group
↑ SOD & CAT in aortic tissue in exercises groups
↓ NOx levels in aortic tissue in exercises group
↓ iNOx levels in aortic tissue in exercises group
Chis et al., 2015 [183]
CVE training
(9 weeks)
Male Wistar rats (4 groups): Sedentary Control (C, n = 14)
Exercise control (C-Ex, n = 15)
Sedentary diabetes (DM-C n = 25)
Exercise diabetes (DM-Ex, n = 25)
Low intensity physical exercise training:
Running duration 18 min/day,
Speed 11 m/min, 5 days/week
Lipid hydroperoxide: in DM-C > C and DM-Ex
SOD and Catalase:
DM-Ex > DM-C > C
Glutathione peroxidase:
DM-C < C and DM-Ex
Gimenes et al., 2015 [184]
CVE training
(8 weeks, Swimming)
Rats (4 groups): 20
Healthy rats sedentary(H): 5
Healthy + Exercise (H + Ex): 5
High fat Diet sedentary (HFD): 5
High fat Diet + EX (HFD + Ex): 5
H+Ex and HFD+Ex group:
1-h Moderate intensity swimming for 8 weeks
H group: ↔ MDA in heart tissue, LOX-1 protein → expressed in heart cells
H + Ex group: ↔ MDA, ↓ gene expression of LOX-1 receptor
HFD group: ↑MDA, ↑ gene expression of LOX-1 receptor
HFD+Ex group: ↓ MDA, ↓ gene expression of LOX-1 receptor
Riahi et al., 2015 [185]
CVE training
(8 weeks)
Adult rats 8 weeks, 5 days/week, 60 min/session, 60% max running speed ↑ running distance
↑ antioxidant defense system
↑ superoxide dismutase (SOD)
Coelho et al., 2013 [186]
CVE training
(6 weeks)
Male Wistar rats (4 groups): 28
C = Control group (n = 7)
EX = Exercise group (n = 7)
D = Diabetes group(n = 7)
EX + D = Exercise + Diabetes (n = 7)
Ex group and EX + D group:
Free access to running wheel 24 h/day for 6 weeks
Naderi et al., 2015 [187]
CVE training
(10 days)
Sprague-Dawley rats (2 groups):
Sedentary (SED)
Endurance training group (Ex)
Exercise group: moderate intensity treadmill training
Running duration 60/day
Intensity 30 m/min (70% max oxygen consumption)
24 h after the final training
↔ 4-hydroxynonenal conjugated proteins (4-HNE) in both groups
↑ SOD2
Holland et al., 2015 [188]
CVE training
(24 weeks)
Healthy older individuals (n = 100, 2 groups)
C = control group (n = 50)
EX = exercise group (n = 50)
Moderate CVE:
45–60 min on treadmill, bicycle or Stair master, intensity 60–70% of HRmax, 3days/week.
↓ MDA & 8-OHdG
↓ hs-CRP
Significant correlation between oxidative stress markers and hs-CRP
Alghadir et al., 2016 [190]
CVE training
(16 weeks)
Women 16 weeks, 5 days/week, 30 min/session, 80–85% HRmax ↔ Body weight & BMI,
↑ aerobic fitness
↓ systemic oxidative stress only in women with the highest quartile of plasma F2-isoprostanes at baseline (≥57 pg/mL)
Arikawa et al., 2013 [191]
RE training
(24 weeks)
Untrained healthy individuals (n = 49, age = 60–72, 4 groups)
Control normal weight group (no exercise, Cn)
Control obese group (no exercise, Co)
Exercise normal weight group (REN group)
Exercise obese group (REO group)
REN & REO group performed moderate RE program:
One set of 13 exercises × 8–13 reps
(50–80% of 1RM)
3 days/week
↑ muscle strength, VO2max in REN & REO group
↔ total cholesterol and HDL-C
↓ Lipid hydroperoxides and TBARS
(REN & REO < Cn & Co)
Homocysteine in plasma: REN & REO < Cn & Co
Vincent et al., 2006 [195]
RE training
(12 weeks)
elderly men 12 weeks, 3 sessions/week, 3 sets × 10 repetitions each of leg press and leg extension (50–80% 1 RM) ↑ muscle antioxidant capacity (82.5% catalase activity, 75% CuZnSOD activity) Parise et al., 2005 [196]
RE training
(6 weeks)
Young men 6 weeks, 3 days/week
2 groups:
Hypertrophy-intensity group (3 × 12 rep. ~70% of 1 RM)
strength-intensity group (six exercises of 3 sets × 6 rep. ~85% of 1 RM)
In both groups:
Cakir-Atabek et al., 2010 [197]
RE training
(12 weeks)
Older adults (n = 19, age ≥ 60 years, 2 groups)
Control group (C, n = 8)
RT group (RT, n = 11)
RT group performed:
Supervised RT 3 days/week
3 upper body exercises
4 lower body exercises
1 set × 8–12 reps each exercise to volitional fatigue
Muscle biopsies: pre, 48 h post, after the last RE session at 3 & 12 weeks.
↑ Muscle strength
↔ Pyruvate oxidation, acid soluble metabolites and total fatty acid oxidation
Flack et al., 2016 [198]
RE training
(4–16 weeks)
Wistar male rats (n = 10, 3 groups)
Sedentary–Control (C group)
Exercise-1 (4 weeks training, RE-1 group)
Exercise-2 (16 weeks training, RE-2 group)
Regular RE in a squat training device cylinder
4 sets × 12 reps/day, 90 min rest between each set, 5 days/week
Heart tissue:
↑ GPX only in RE-2 group
↑ MDA only in RE-1 group
SOD → no changes
Cell damage enzymes:
↑ LDH & CK → only in RE-1 group
Ghiasi et al., 2015 [199]
CVE training
RE training
Combined training (CT)
(8 weeks)
Untrained men 3 groups:
CVE: n = 10
RE: n = 10
CT: n = 10
CVE: incremental running up to 80% of max HR
RE: incremental RE beginning load 50% up to 80% of 1 RM
CT: Combination CVE and RE every other day during the week
In all three training groups:
↑ SOD, erythrocyte GPx, TAC
No significant difference in the interaction of time and group between variables of SOD and GPx enzymes and TAC of plasma and MDA.
Azizbeigi et al., 2014 [200]
Combined exercise training
(16 weeks)
Healthy men (40–74 years, 2 groups):
C = control group (n = 26, no exercise, age: 52 ± 9)
Ex = exercise group (n = 31, age: 58 ± 10)
Ex group performed moderate combine exercise training: 3 days/week, 60–75 min/session consisted of:
CVE: 25–30 min/session (75% of HRR)
RE:30–35 min/session (65–75% of 1 RM, 10–15 reps × 3 sets, bench press, leg press, leg curl, leg extension, latissimus, abdominals, arm flexion)
Stretching & cool down: 5–10 min.
↓ DNA strand breaks
↓ oxidative DNA damage (FPG-sensitive sites)
↔ DNA repair capacity (8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase)
Soares et al., 2015 [201]
CVE vs. RE vs. flexibility
(12 months)
Healthy Male subjects and with type 2 diabetes mellitus (3 groups): 30
Healthy group (H)
Control group (CT2MD)
Training group(ExT2MD)
ExT2MD group:
moderate CVE (cycling progressively increase 15 min to 35 min per session), RE (major muscle groups × 3 sets × 12 rep) and flexibility (Static stretching) training (total 140–270 min/week, gradually increased)
ExT2MD group: ↓ oxPAPC compared with T2MD group,
↑ oxPAPC compared with Healthy group
T2MD group: ↑↑ oxPAPC compared with Healthy group
Vinetti et al., 2015 [202]
CVE training Postmenopausal women Compared physical active with sedentary subjects, on oxidative stress markers. ↑ oxidative stress markers in sedentary versus active women Bartfay, W. & Bartfay, E., 2014 [203]
CVE training Elderly men Compared physical active with sedentary subjects, on oxidative stress markers, after an incremental exercise test Low intensity aerobic exercise prevent the decline of antioxidants linked with aging Bouzid et al., 2014 [178]
CVE training
(12 weeks)
Rheumatoid arthritis patients 3 months, 3 sessions/week, 30–40 min/session, 70% VO2 max ↔ Markers of oxidative stress
↓ 3-Nitrotyrosine
↓disease activity
Wadley et al., 2014 [204]
CVE training
(16 weeks)
Obese & Type 2 Diabetes men 16 weeks, 3 sessions/week,
2 groups: a) low intensity (30–40% VO2max)
b) moderate intensity (55–65% VO2max)
↔ Body composition and aerobic fitness
Improve oxidative stress markers especially when performed moderate intensity protocol.
Krause et al., 2014 [205]
Combined CVE and RE training
(6 weeks)
Women with metabolic syndrome 6 weeks, 3 sessions/week, 60 min/session CVE and RE ↓ indicators of oxidative stress, arterial pressure levels, pulse pressure and the Augmentation Index
↑ cardiovascular fitness
Eleuterio-Silva et al., 2013 [206]
RE training
(8 weeks)
Men Progressive RE-training
8 RE on nonconsecutive days for 8 weeks at 50% of 1RM and reached 80% 1RM by Week 8
↔ erythrocyte GPx & TAC levels
Azizbeigi et al., 2013 [207]
RE training
(8 weeks)
Men moderate (MR) and high resistance (HR) training ↑ SOD activity in MR (p = 0.026) and HR (p = 0.044) groups.
↑ GPX activity in HR (p = 0.012) and MR (p = 0.037)
↓ MDA in MR (p = 0.013) and HR (p = 0.023)
↔ IL-6, TNF-α and CK.
Azizbeigi et al., 2015 [208]
RE training
(6 weeks)
4 groups: a) RE training b) RE training + alcohol treatment (35% of kilocalorie intake) for 6 weeks c) sedentary d) sedentary + alcohol treatment
6 weeks, 3 days/week
Rise onto their hind limbs while wearing lead-weighted vests 30 times per training session
Alcohol treatment in the sedentary animals:
↑ cardiac malondialdehyde, lipid peroxidation
↓ index of myocardial antioxidant potential
Chicco et al., 2006 [209]
RE training
(14 weeks)
elderly men and women 14 weeks whole body regular RE ↓ 8-OHdG
↔ Protein content for CuZnSOD, MnSOD, and catalase, and enzyme activities for citrate synthase, mitochondrial ETC complex I+III, and complex II+III
Parise et al., 2005 [210]
CVE training
(9 weeks)
Male wistar rats 9 weeks, 5 sessions/week,
60 min/session for 6 weeks and 90 min/session for 3w
↔ TBARS, reactive carbonyl derivatives content,
↓ 8-OHdG
↑ DT-diaphoase and proteasome complex
Radak et al., 1999 [211]

4-HNE: 4-hydroxynonenal conjugated proteins; 8-IsoP: 8-Isoprostane; 8-OHdG: 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine; AKT: serine/threonine-specific protein kinase; BMI: body mass index; CAT: catalase; CK: creatine kinase; CSE: cystathionine-γ-lyase expression; CuZnSOD: Copper- and zinc-containing superoxide dismutase; CVE: cardiovascular exercise; eNOS: endothelial nitric oxide synthase; FOXO1: forkhead box protein O1; GPx: glutathione peroxidase; GSH: reduced glutathione; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; hs-CRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; IL-10: Interleukin-10; IL-6: Interleukin-6; iNOS: inducible nitric oxide synthase; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; LHP: Lipid peroxidation; LOOHs: lipid hydroperoxides; LOX-1: Lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1; MDA: malondialdehyde; MMP: matrix metalloprotease; MnSOD: manganese superoxide dismutase; NO: nitric oxide; NOx: nitrogen oxides; oxPAPC: oxidized 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine; RE: resistance exercise; SOD: superoxide dismutase; SOD2: superoxide dismutase 2; sVCAM-1: Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1; TAC: total antioxidant capacity; TBARS: thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-α; VO2max: maximum oxygen uptake. ↑: significant increase p < 0.05 vs. control; ↓: significant decrease vs. pre; ↔: no significant change.