Figure 5: Reward-predictive cells formed a consistent sequence that began prior to reward anticipation behavior.
(A) Mean activity of 22 simultaneously-recorded reward-predictive cells from CA1 shown in the same order for Aend (left) and Amid (right). Small black lines indicate time of peak activity. Cells were selected for having COM locations within 50 cm before reward and being active on at least 20 trials in the 100 cm before reward. Time courses were filtered with a Gaussian kernel (s.d. 0.1 sec).
(B) Time of peak activity relative to slowing for the same cells as in (A). Bars indicate width at half max of unfiltered trace.
(C) Time of peak activity relative to slowing for all reward-associated cells recorded during condition AendAmid (218 cells, 6 mice) and condition AB (243 cells, 5 mice). Bars indicate width at half max of unfiltered trace.
(D) Five reward-predictive cells active early in their respective sequences. In each case, fluorescence increased 1-2 seconds before speed decreased. Cells were recorded in four mice, each column a cell. Cells in column 2 and 3 were recorded simultaneously. The cell in column 4 was from subiculum, and others were from CA1. Top: speed and activity on single traversals, same conventions as in Figure 3f. Activity on each trial was normalized to have a maximum of 1. Red lines indicate the time of reward delivery when it occurred early enough to be within plot bounds. Bottom: average across trials of activity (80th percentile) and speed (mean).