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. 2019 Dec 11;7(2):503–511. doi: 10.1002/nop2.412

Table 1.

Distribution of absolute and relative abundance of the research units based on the personal characteristics

Demographic characteristics Groups Frequency Percentage
Age Under 30 6 5.5
30–39 11 10.0
40–49 16 14.5
50–59 33 30.0
Above 59 44 40.0
Gender Male 53 48.2
Female 57 51.8
Marital status Single 17 15.5
Married 93 84.5
Education level Illiterate and elementary 55 50.0
Middle school and high school 30 27.3
Diploma 19 17.3
Above diploma 6 5.5
Income level 5,000 Thousand Rials 58 52.7
10 Million – 5,000 Thousand Rials 24 21.8
Above 1 Million Rials 28 25.5
Job Unemployed 65 59.1
Worker 18 16.4
Employee 13 11.8
Self‐employment 14 12.7
History of haemodialysis 1 year 36 32.7
1–5 years 53 48.2
Above 5 years 21 19.1
Underlying disease High blood pressure 56 50.9
Diabetes 20 18.2
Diabetes and blood pressure 34 30.9