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. 2020 Feb 7;10:64. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00064

Table 1.

Regression grading systems applied in the study.

College of American Pathologist (CAP) (10)
 • Grade 0: no viable cancer cells (complete response)
 • Grade 1: single cells or rare small groups of cancer cells (near complete response)
 • Grade 2: residual cancer with evident tumor regression, but more than single cells or rare small groups of cancer cells (partial response)
 • Grade 3: extensive residual cancer with no evident tumor regression (poor or no response)
MD Anderson (12)
 • Grade 0: no residual carcinoma
 • Grade 1: patients with minimal residual carcinoma (single cells or small groups of cancer cells, <5% residual carcinoma)
 • Grade 2: patients with 5% or more residual carcinoma
Evans (20)
 • Grade I: characteristic cytologic changes of malignancy are present, but little (<10%) or no tumor cell destruction is evident.
 • Grade II: in addition to characteristic cytologic changes of malignancy, 10-90% of tumor cells are destroyed
     ▪ IIa: destruction of 10-50% of tumor cells
     ▪ IIb: destruction of 51-90% of tumor cells
 • Grade III: few (<10%) viable-appearing tumor cells are present
     ▪ IIIM: sizable pools of mucin are present
 • Grade IV: no viable tumor cells are present
     ▪ IVM: acellular pools of mucin are present
Hartman (21)
 • Marked Response: no residual tumor or rare, single cancer cells or small groups of cancer cells (glands) with marked cytopathic effect present within a fibrotic stroma
 • Minimal to Moderate Response: Residual tumor present; includes small groups of cells/glands without evidence of cytopathic effect, cells/ glands outside the main fibrotic mass, and/or 0.5% of the main fibrotic mass with cancer/glands, with or without cytopathic effect
 • Poor Response: No definite evidence of treatment effect; extensive (90%) residual cancer; only minimal cytopathic effect, and baseline fibrosis is present
iDworak (16)
 • Grade 0: dominant tumor mass with poor fibrosis
 • Grade 1: dominant tumor mass with obvious fibrosis
 • Grade 2: dominant fibrotic tissue with few neoplastic cells/glands, easy to find
 • Grade 3: dominant fibrotic tissue with very few neoplastic cells/glands, difficult to find
 • Grade 4: complete regression