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. 2002 Apr 22;2002(2):CD001531. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001531

Singh 1979.

Methods Cluster allocation (classrooms) but method not stated. Assessor blinding was not stated. Number of classes lost to follow‐up: 2 refused and 7 did not complete in intervention group (7/106=6.6%), 33 refused and none did not complete in control group.
Participants Children aged between 5 and 13 yrs old selected from schools within six education authorities in the UK.
Interventions Children were divided into two groups: 
 1. intervention group: the study intervention involved the use of traffic education materials by class teachers; the materials were books designed to help children improve their knowledge and awareness of the real world of traffic, one book for infant and two for junior and middle schools. 
 2. control group: The control group received no road safety education.
Outcomes Outcome measures were change in knowledge assessed by a test specially developed for each book, and proportion of children achieving "Mastery" (at least 80% correct answers on the post‐test). 
 Children were tested before training (PT), six months after training (PT1).
Notes Study done 1976.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Unclear