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. 2020 Mar 5;30(3):128–135. doi: 10.2188/jea.JE20180223

Table 1. Baseline and change of characteristics among 3,200 normal weight participants in the 5-year cohort: CHNS 2006–2011a.

Variables   Men (n = 1,498) Women (n = 1,702)
    Baseline Change within 5 years Baseline Change within 5 years
Age, years   45.8 (23.9, 63.0) 45.0 (27.0, 62.0)
BMI, kg/m2   21.3 (18.1, 23.7) 0.15 (−3.5, 4.6) 20.9 (17.9, 23.1) 0.07 (−1.1, 1.6)
Physical activity, MET-hours per week   284 (23, 358) −85 (−99, 217)b 271 (10, 335) −70.2 (−101, 205)b
Energy intake   2,010 (1,449, 5,031) 54 (−235, 1,115)b 2,008 (1,856, 4,889) 64 (−201, 1,203)b
Household income, thousand Yuan/year   9 (1.0, 40.1) 9.7 (0.4, 10.3)b 9 (1.5, 45.2) 9.9 (1.2, 10.4)b
Sleep duration, hours/d   8 (6, 10) 0 (−3, 5) 8 (5, 10) 0 (−3, 5)
Sedentary behaviour, hours/week   33 (0, 80) 0.7 (−5.0, 4.0) 34 (0, 80) 1.8 (−7.4, 5.6)
Cigarettes consumption, packs/d   5 (0, 20) 0.3 (−10, 12) 0 (0, 9) 0 (−3, 5)
  Urban 515 606
  Rural 983   1,096  
Education level          
  Low 1,031 1,172
  Middle 294 334
  High 173 196
Smoke status          
  Past 415 50
  Current 328 46
  Never 755 1,606
Beverages intake, mL per day          
Plain water   582 (0, 1,440) 170 (−240, 480) 574 (0, 1,440) 161 (−240, 480)
Tea   364 (0, 1,250) 76 (−480, 480) 175 (0, 1,200) 43 (−480, 480)
Coffee   6 (0, 24) 17.4 (0, 24)b 5 (0, 24) 10.2 (0, 24)b
CBSDs   6 (0, 14) 9.6 (−15.4, 27.8)b 6 (0, 15) 10.4 (−14.1, 28.0)b
Non-CBSDs   8 (0, 14) 4.8 (0, 27.9) 11 (0, 14) 6.6 (0, 28.4)
Sugared fruit drinks   10 (0, 71) 10.0 (−14.3, 28.6)b 11 (0, 64) 14.8 (−13.2, 30.1)b
Group wine   4 (0, 4) 2.4 (0, 4.6)b 1 (0, 2) 0.4 (0, 1.5)b
Liquor   48 (0, 72) −2.6 (−28.5, 23.0) 1 (0, 60) 0 (−5.3, 5.0)
Beer   97 (0, 215) −0.3 (−25.0, 25.0) 10 (0, 220) −9.8 (−25.0, 25.0)b
Dietary intake, g per day          
Rice   318 (0, 600) −35.1 (−70.1, 11.3) 306 (0, 600) −34.6 (−69.0, 12.1)
Wheat   186 (0, 466) −34.4 (−68.6, 9.3)b 170 (0, 510) −33.9 (−59.4, 8.9)b
Fruits   45 (0, 308) 29.9 (−11.7, 42.3)b 47 (0, 350) 31.1 (−11.5, 41.6)b
Vegetables   300 (76.9, 650) 24.6 (−9.8, 33.2) 306 (80, 667) 25.2 (−9.9, 35.8)
Red meats   61 (0, 200) 9.8 (−25.6, 36.6)b 62 (0, 200) 9.4 (−23.4, 35.2)b
Poultry   9 (0, 100) 8 (−23.2, 37.8)b 9 (0, 100) 8 (−22.2, 33.7)b

BMI, body mass index; MET, metabolic equivalence task; CBSDs, Chinese brand soft drinks; CHNS, China Health and Nutrition Survey; non-CBSDs, non-Chinese brand soft drinks.

aData were presented as mean (fifth percentile, ninety-fifth percentile).

bP-value <0.05.