Sevoflurane induces a CypD-dependent mitochondrial dysfunction in hippocampus tissues of young mice. (A) Sevoflurane anesthesia (black bar) increases ROS levels as compared to the control condition (white bar) in hippocampus tissues of WT mice (**P = 0.001, Student’s t test, N = 6). (B) Tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide fluorescence analysis shows that sevoflurane anesthesia (black bar) reduces levels of MMP as compared to the control condition in hippocampus tissues of WT mice (**P = 0.001, Student’s t test, N = 3). (C) Sevoflurane anesthesia (black bar) decreases ATP levels as compared to the control condition (white bar) in the hippocampus tissues of WT mice. (*P = 0.032, Student’s t test, N = 6). (D) Sevoflurane anesthesia (black bar) does not significantly change the ROS levels as compared to the control condition (white bar) in the hippocampus tissues of CypD KO mice (P = 0.537, Student’s t test, N = 6). (E) Sevoflurane anesthesia (black bar) does not significantly change the levels of MMP as compared to the control condition in hippocampus tissues of CypD KO mice (P = 0.999, Student’s t test, N = 3). (F) Sevoflurane anesthesia (black bar) decreases ATP levels as compared to the control condition (white bar) in CypD KO mice hippocampus tissues. (*P = 0.042, Student’s t test, N = 6). N.S., not significant.