Figure 4.
pdf 01 larvae exhibit disrupted circadian modulation and dampened light avoidance behavior especially at dawn. pdf 01 mutant larvae are able to perform navigation strategies dependent on both types of information processing. However, no substantial difference in light avoidance behavior is observed between dawn and midnight, indicating absence of circadian modulation. More precisely, in accordance with the role of PDF in establishing the morning activity peak in adult flies, higher sensitivity to light stimulation at dawn coupled with more efficient light avoidance is not observed. Larvae perform this behavior uniformly. (A.I–A.III) Spatial navigation strategies. (B.I–B.III) Temporal navigation strategies. Data for each time-point are shown as means and the error bars indicate ± SEM. Circles indicate the means of individual experiments (n = 10). Statistical data can be found as Supplementary Table S3. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, NS = not significant. Column statistics significance is indicated on the left side of each graph. All statistical comparisons between time-points are indicated on the right side of each graph.