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. 2012 Oct 17;2012(10):CD001321. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001321.pub5

1. Characteristics of studies.

Stduy name Year N Country Setting Participants Intervention
Avorn 1994 1994 192 USA Nursing homes Elderly women, mean age 78.5 years Cranberry juice cocktail: 300 mL/d (30% cranberry concentrate)
 Placebo beverage PAC content: NS
Haverkorn 1994 1994 38 Netherlands Hospital Elderly men (9) and women (29), mean age 81 years Cranberry juice: 15 mL, twice a day (30 mL cranberry juice/d, concentration not specified)
PAC content: NS
Foda 1995 1995 40 Canada Hospital clinic Children with neuropathic bladder requiring clean intermittent catheterisation, mean age 9.35 years Cranberry juice cocktail: 15 mL/kg/d (30% cranberry concentrate) 3‐4 times a day
PAC content: NS
Walker 1997 1997 19 USA Family practice Young women with recurrent UTI, median age 37 years Cranberry capsules: 400 mg of cranberry solids (total amount/d: NS)
PAC content: NS
Schlager 1999 1999 15 USA Hospital clinic Children with neuropathic bladder requiring clean intermittent catheterisation, aged 2‐18 years Cranberry juice cocktail: 300 mL/d (30% cranberry concentrate)
PAC content: NS
Kontiokari 2001 2001 150 Finland Student health service Young women (mean age 29‐32 years) with previous UTI Cranberry‐lingonberry juice: 50 mL once/d, 5 days/week (7.5 g cranberry concentrate)
PAC content: NS
McGuiness 2002 2002 135 Canada Outpatient clinic for MS patients Patinets with multiple sclerosis Cranberry tablet: 8000 mg, once/d (am) for 6 months
PAC content: NS
Stothers 2002 2002 150 Canada Unclear Women with recurrent UTI (aged 21‐72 years) Cranberry juice: 250 mL three times/d or one concentrated cranberry juice tablet twice daily (dose NS apart from 'at least 1:30 parts concentrated juice)
PAC content: NS (study authors did not know if the product contained active PAC or not)
Linsenmeyer 2004 2004 21 USA Urology rehabilitation clinic Spinal cord injury patients with neuropathic bladders Cranberry tablets: 1200 mg/d (3 x 400 mg tablets)
PAC content: NS
Waites 2004 2004 48 USA Hospital clinic Spinal cord injury patients with neuropathic bladders Cranberry juice capsule: 2000 mg/d
PAC content: NS
McMurdo 2005 2005 376 Scotland Hospital Elderly inpatients Cranberry juice: 300 mL once/d
PAC concentration: 11.175 µg/g (dry solids basis)
Lee 2007 2007 305 Australia Community Spinal cord injury patients Cranberry tablets: 1600 mg/d
 Methenamine hippurate tablet: 2 mg
PAC content: NS
Wing 2008 2008 115 USA Pre‐natal clinic Pregnant women Cranberry juice
‐ Group 2: 240 mL cranberry drink at breakfast, placebo juice at other meals
‐ Group 3: 240 mL cranberry juice 3 times/d (dosage changed throughout)
Mean PAC content: 80 mg/240 mL
Hess 2008 2008 47 USA SpInal cord injury patients in Veterans Admin Hospital Spinal cord injury patients with neurogenic bladders Cranberry tablet: 1000 mg/d (500 mg tablet)
PAC concentration: NS
Ferrara 2009 2009 80 Italy Paediatric nephrology ambulatory clinic Girls with > 1 UTI in past year Cranberry concentrate, 50 mL in 50 mL water
Lactobacillus GG drink: 100 mL
PAC content: NS
McMurdo 2009 2009 137 UK Scottish primary care research network Women ≥ 45 years with ≥ 2 UTIs in the previous 12 months Cranberry tablet: 500 mg
Antibiotic: 100 mg TMP
PAC content: NS
Essadi 2010 2010 544 Unsure Antenatal clinic Pregnant women Cranberry juice: 250 mL, 4 times/d
PAC content: NS
PACS Study 2008 2010 56 USA Nursing home Elderly men and women (> 60 years) with dementia Cranberry tablet: 1 x 650 mg or 2 x 1300 mg
PAC content: NS
Salo 2010 2010 252 Finland Hospital Children with UTI Cranberry juice: 5 mL/kg up to 300 mL
PAC concentration: NS
Uberos 2010 2010 51 Spain Unclear, possibly hospital Children with UTI Cranberry syrup: 0.2 mL/kg
Antibiotic: 8 mg/kg TMP
'The concentration guarantees that 5 mL of the syrup contains 36 mg of highly bioactive PAC extracted from the cranberry syrup, measured by the BL‐DMAC method.'
Barbosa‐Cesnik 2011 2011 319 USA University Health Service Adult women with urinary symptoms Cranberry juice: 2 x 240 mL (480 mL/d)
PAC concentration: 112 mg (range 83–136 mg; SD 614.1 mg)
NAPRUTI Study 2011 I 2011 199 Netherlands Primary care physicians Adult women (premenopausal) with at least 3 UTIs in previous 12 months Cranberry tablet: 2 x 500 mg/d
Antibiotic: 480 mg TMP‐SMX
Type A PAC in cranberry extract: 9.1 mg/g
Sengupta 2011 2011 57 India Medical clinic Adult women Cranberry tablets: 500 mg/d or 1000 mg/d
PAC content: 1.5%
Cowan 2012 2012 128 UK Oncology unit Adults with bladder or cervical cancer Cranberry juice: twice daily, volume (NS), PAC concentration (NS)

DMAC ‐ dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde; NS ‐ not stated; PAC ‐ proanthocyanidin; SD ‐ standard deviation; SMX ‐ sulfamethoxazole; TMP ‐ trimethoprim