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. 2019 Dec 26;26(1):36–51. doi: 10.1002/dys.1645

Table 2.

Measured variables used in the moderator analysis, including the number of studies that included reports of these measures

Psychological construct Measures n
Standardised measures Non‐word reading TOWRE, WRMT‐R, Castles and Coltheart's Non‐word list 8
Real word reading TOWRE, WRMT‐R, WRAT‐III, Castles and Coltheart's irregular word list 8
Non‐verbal IQ Block design from WAIS‐III, WAIS‐R, WISC‐R95,WISC‐III; matrices reasoning from WAIS; MAT; KBIT matrices 19
Digit span CTPP, WAIS‐III, WAIS‐R, WISC‐R95 13
Verbal abilities Receptive vocabulary from ROWPVT; PPVT‐III; CELF‐III, BPVS; BPVS‐2; expressive vocabulary from WISC‐R95, WAIS‐III, WAIS‐R, WISC‐III; similarities from WAIS‐III; 16
Non‐standardised measures Non‐word reading Not specified by authors or not a published test 13
Real word reading 10
Phoneme deletion 8
Spoonerisms 8

Abbreviations: BPVS, British Picture Vocabulary Scale; BPVS‐2, British Picture Vocabulary Scale – 2nd Edition; CELF‐III, Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals; CTPP, Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing; KBIT, Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test; MAT, Matrix Analogies Test – Expanded Form; PPVT‐III, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test‐III; ROWPVT, Receptive subtest of the One Word Picture Vocabulary Test; TOWRE, Test of Word Reading Efficiency; WAIS‐R, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised; WAIS‐III, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WISC‐R95, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WISC‐III, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised; WRAT‐III, Wide Range Achievement Test; WRMT‐R, Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests‐Revised.