Table 2.
Data source | Objective | Collection | Quantity |
Team Climate Inventory (TCI) (Kivimaki & Elovainio, 1999) | Measures changes in team coherence among steering group members and professionals | At start and end of implementation |
Baseline: n = 11 respondents Follow‐up: n = 10 respondents |
Interviews with steering group members | Provides perceptions and experiences of steering group members with regard to process, outcomes and contextual factors | At end of implementation | n = 4 participants |
Group interview with professionals | Provides perceptions and experiences of professionals with regard to process, outcomes and contextual factors | At end of implementation | 1 interview with n = 4 participants |
Timesheets | Provides information on amount of time spent on intervention by professionals | Halfway and at end of implementation | n = 7 respondents |
Minutes of steering group meetings | Provides information on processes, discussions and decisions during steering group meetings | During development and implementation | n = 4 meetings |
Minutes of intervision meetings | Provides information on processes, discussions and decisions during intervision meetings | During implementation | n = 6 meetings |
Field notes | Researchers notes on the process and progress of the improvement process | During development and implementation | Notes from a 30‐month period |