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. 2019 Dec 4;89(2):623–634. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13130

Table 2.

Average predator selection and movement responses to human disturbances and natural habitat. Each individual was modelled separately and then averaged using inverse variance models by species for each parameter of interest

Species Component Variable Coefficient CI n
Bear Selection Conifer −0.099 0.131 34
Deciduous/Mixedwood 0.239 0.141 34
Wetland −0.134 0.124 34
ln(Distance to LF) −0.049 0.021 34
ln(Distance to Poly) −0.047 0.060 34
ln(Distance to RIP) −0.070 0.034 34
Movement ln(SL) −1.012 0.037 34
ln(SL):Cos(Turn angle) 0.676 0.016 34
Cos(Turn angle) −3.056 0.129 34
CLI:ln(SL) 0.279 0.053 13
LIS:ln(SL) 0.010 0.233 2
PT:ln(SL) 0.304 0.066 15
Poly:ln(SL) 0.077 0.045 17
RIP:ln(SL) 0.015 0.025 34
Wolf Selection Conifer 0.281 0.135 32
Deciduous/Mixedwood 0.268 0.150 32
Wetland 0.150 0.130 32
ln(Distance to LF) −0.049 0.019 32
ln(Distance to Poly) −0.063 0.047 32
ln(Distance to RIP) −0.033 0.037 32
Movement ln(SL) −0.798 0.037 32
ln(SL):Cos(Turn angle) 0.551 0.017 32
Cos(Turn angle) −2.533 0.134 32
CLI:ln(SL) 0.301 0.048 21
LIS:ln(SL) 0.100 0.201 3
PT:ln(SL) 0.293 0.073 14
Poly:ln(SL) 0.005 0.039 22
RIP:ln(SL) 0.112 0.027 32

The reference categories were 'other' landcover and ‘undisturbed forest’ for selection and movement, respectively.

Abbreviations: CLI, conventional seismic, low‐grade roads and ice roads; LIS, low‐impact seismic; PT, pipelines and transmission lines; Poly, polygonal disturbances; RIP, riparian habitat; SL, step length.