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. 2019 Dec 1;18(2):422–438. doi: 10.1111/jth.14666

Table 1.

Summary of design and patient characteristics

Author year Country (sites) Design Population Time between injury and recruitment/ immobilization duration (mean) Prophylaxis before randomization Intervention Comparator Outcome measure (primary)
Goel et al.28 Canada (NR) R, DBa Adults (18‐75 y; mean age, 41 y; male, 62%). Fractures below knee. Surgically treated Outpatients N = 305 Within 48h Immobilization duration: 14 db No LMWH (dalteparin, 5000 IU/d for 14 d; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, >95%) Matching placebo for 14 d (compliance with injections, >95%) Incidence of DVT determined by bilateral venography at end of treatment
Jørgensen et al., 2002 29 Denmark (3 centers) R, OLa Adults (>18 y; mean age, 48 y; male, 57%) Fracture or soft‐tissue injury; Conservative or surgically treated Outpatients N = 300 NR Immobilization duration: 5.5 weeks No LMWH (tinzaparin, 3500 IU/d for duration of cast immobilization; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, NR) No treatment Incidence of DVT determined by unilateral venography after plaster cast removal
Kock et al., 199530 Germany (NR) R, OL Adults (18‐75 y; mean age, 34 y; male, 61%) Fracture or soft‐tissue injury Conservative treatment Outpatients N = 428 NR Immobilization duration: 17 db No LMWH (certoparin, 3000 IU/d for duration of cast immobilization; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, NR) No treatment Incidence of DVT determined by duplex sonography and confirmed by phlebography after plaster cast removal
Kujath et al., 1993 31 Germany (1 hospital) R, OL Patients over 16 y (mean age, 34 y; male, 58%) Fracture or soft‐tissue injury Conservative treatment Outpatients N = 306 NR Immobilization duration: 15.7 db No LMWH (Nadroparin, 2850 IU/d for duration of cast immobilization; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, NR) No treatment Incidence of DVT determined by compression ultrasound and phlebography (positive findings only) after plaster cast removal
Lapidus et al., 2007a 32 Sweden (1 centra) R, DBa Adults (18‐75 y; mean age, 40 y; male, 79%) Soft‐tissue injury (Achilles tendon rupture) Surgically treated Outpatients N = 105 Within 72 h of injury Immobilization duration: 43 db No LMWH (dalteparin, 5000 IU/d for 6 weeks; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, NR) Matching placebo for 6 weeks (compliance with injections, NR) Incidence of DVT determined by unilateral duplex sonography and confirmed by phlebography
Lapidus et al., 2007b 33 Sweden (1 centra) R, DBa Adults (18‐75 y; mean age, 48 y; male, 46%) Fracture of the ankle Surgically treated Outpatients N = 272 Within 72 h of injury Immobilization duration: 44 db Yes, all patients received 1 week of initial treatment with dalteparin (5000 IU/d) before randomization LMWH (dalteparin, 5000 IU/d for 5 weeks; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, 94.6%) Matching placebo for 5 weeks (compliance with injections, 94.6%) Incidence of DVT confirmed by unilateral phlebography after cast removal or compression ultrasonography where the phlebography failed
Lassen et al., 2002 k34 Denmark (6 hospitals) R, DBa Adults (>18 y; median age, 47 y; male, 52%) Fracture or rupture of the Achilles tendon Conservative or surgically treated Outpatient (in most cases) N = 440          
  Within 4 d of injury Immobilization duration: 44 db Yes, approximately one‐third in each group received other LMWH for up to 4 d before randomization LMWH (reviparin, 1750 IU/d for duration of cast immobilization; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, approximately 100%) Matching placebo for duration of cast immobilization (compliance with injections, approximately 100%) Incidence of DVT determined by unilateral venography after plaster cast removal (or earlier if clinical symptoms of thrombosis suspected)      
Selby et al., 2015 8 Canada (13 hospitals) R, DBa Patients over 16 y (mean age, 49 y; male, 52%) fractures Surgically treated Outpatients N = 265 Within 72 h of injury Immobilization duration: 43 db No LMWH (dalteparin, 5000 IU/d for 14 d; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, 90%) Matching placebo for 14 d (compliance with injections, 92%) Symptomatic VTE within 3 months after surgery or asymptomatic proximal DVT determined by bilateral Doppler ultrasound at end of treatment
van Adrichem et al., 2017 36 The Netherlands (8 hospitals) R, OLa Adults (>18 y; mean age, 46 y; male, 49.9%) Fracture or soft‐tissue injury Conservative or surgically treated Outpatients N = 1519 NR Immobilization duration: 4.9 weeksb No LMWH (nadroparin, 2850 IU/d or dalteparin, [2500 IU/d for <100 kg or 5000 IU/d >100 kg] for duration of cast immobilization; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, 87%) No treatment Incidence of symptomatic VTE within 3 months after the procedure. DVT determined by abnormal compression ultrasound
Zheng et al., 2017 6 China (3 hospitals) R, DBa Adults (>18 y; mean age, 47.8 y; male, 62.3%) Fracture of the ankle or foot Surgically treated Outpatients N = 814 Mean 3.3 d Immobilization duration: NR No LMWH (NR but given once daily for 14 d; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, NR) Matching placebo for 14 d (compliance with injections, NR) Incidence of VTE. DVT determined by bilateral Doppler ultrasound
Gehling et al., 1998 27 Germany (1 hospital) R Patients over 16 y (mean age, 36 y; male, 49%) Fracture or soft‐tissue injury Management approach unclear (but majority appear to be surgically treated) Outpatients N = 287 NR Immobilization duration: NR NR LMWH (reviparin, 1750 IU/d administered by s.c. injection; compliance, NR) Aspirin (1000 mg/d administered orally; compliance, NR) Incidence of DVT determined by duplex sonography (all) or phlebography (if thrombosis suspected)
Bruntink et al., 2017 (3‐arm study) 9 The Netherlands (7 hospitals) R, SBa Adults (>18 y; mean age, 47 y; male, 42%) Fracture of the ankle or foot Conservative treatment Outpatients N = 467 Within 72 h of injury Immobilization duration: 39.5 db No LMWH nadroparin, 2850 IU/d for duration of cast immobilization; administered by s.c. injection; compliance approximately 100%) 1. Fondaparinux (2.5 mg/d for duration of cast immobilization; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, approximately 100%) 2. No treatment Incidence of DVT determined by duplex sonography after the removal of the cast (or earlier if thrombosis was suspected)
Samama et al., 2013 35 France, Russia, The Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Italy (93 centers) R, OLa Adults (>18 y; mean age, 46 y; male, 46.6%) Fracture or soft‐tissue injury Conservative treatment Outpatients N = 1349 Within 72 h of injury Immobilization duration: 33.7 db No LMWH (nadroparin, 2850 IU/d for duration of cast immobilization; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, NR) Fondaparinux (2.5 mg/d for duration of cast immobilization; administered by s.c. injection; compliance, NR) Incidence of VTE. Compression ultrasonography and/or venography performed for suspected DVT after cast removal

Abbreviations: DB, double blind; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin; NR, not reported; OL, open label; R, randomized controlled trial; SB, single blind; s.c, subcutaneous; VTE, venous thromboembolism.


Blinded outcome assessment.


Means calculated from reported group means of intervention and comparator arms.