Figure 1. Loss of Ttbk2 causes SCA-like phenotypes.
(A, B) Accelerating and steady speed rotarod performance test between Ttbk2c.mut and littermate Controls. Ttbk2c.mut animals have a shorter latency to fall time in both tests, indicative of impaired motor ability (a two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test was used for calculating significance. p<0.0001 for accelerating rotarod test, and p=0.0001 for steady speed. n = 9 animals for Control, n = 8 animals for Ttbk2c.mut). (C) Cerebellar tissue from Control and Ttbk2c.mut mice at 3 months after loss of Ttbk2, immunostained for Calbindin to label Purkinje cells (red) and VGLUT2 to show climbing fiber synapses (green). Ttbk2c.mut animals show a reduction in VGLUT2 positive synapses throughout the cerebellum 3 months after loss of TTBK2. Scale bar = 50 μm. (D) Quantification of molecular layer length in Ttbk2c.mut cerebellar tissue (each point represents one measurement, 75 measurements overall. n = 3 animals. p=0.0011 by student’s unpaired t-test, error bars indicate SEM). (E) Quantification of VGLUT2+ puncta throughout PC dendrites. Ttbk2c.mut animals show a significant reduction in these VGLUT2+ synapse terminals (each point represents one measurement, 15 measurements per genotype, n = 3 animals. p<0.0001 by student’s unpaired t-test, error bars indicate SEM). (F) Golgi stain showing spines on proximal dendrites of PCs in Control and Ttbk2c.mut animals. Scale bar = 2 μm. (G) Quantification of number of spines per micron of dendrite. Ttbk2c.mut PCs do not lose spine density on proximal dendrites at 4 months of age. Each point represents a measurement taken from a singular dendrite, n = 3 animals. (H) Immunostaining for IP3R (red) and nuclei (blue). Loss of IP3R expression is seen as early as P45 in Ttbk2c.mut cerebellum. By 3 months after TMX injection, IP3R expression is no longer localized to secondary dendrites throughout the dendritic tree of PCs in Ttbk2c.mut animals. Scale bar = 50 μm.