Figure 3. Cell autonomous requirements for Ttbk2 in the cerebellum.
(A,B) Representative images of Control and Ttbk2f/f;Pcp2Cre+ (Ttbk2Pcp2) animals at age P30 (A) and P90 (B), immunostained for Calbindin to label PCs (red), VGLUT2 to label synapses (green), and nuclei (blue). VGLUT2 terminals are reduced in P90 Ttbk2Pcp2 animals compared to P30 Ttbk2Pcp2 animals. Scale bar = 20 μm. (C) Quantification of molecular layer thickness in P30 and P90 Ttbk2Pcp2 and Control animals (each point represents one measurement, 75 measurements per genotype. n = 3 animals. No significant difference reported by one-way ANOVA with Tukey correction, error bars indicate SEM. (D) Quantification of VGLUT2+ puncta analysis in P30 and P90 Ttbk2Pcp2 and Control animals. There are no differences in the number of puncta at P30; however these are significantly reduced by P90 (each point represents one field analyzed, five fields analyzed per animal, n = 3 animals. p=0.0098 by one-way ANOVA with Tukey correction, error bars indicate SEM). (E) Accelerating rotarod performance test of Ttbk2Pcp2and littermate Controls from P30 to P90. Ttbk2Pcp2 animals have a significantly shorter latency to fall time at P90 compared to P30 (a two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test was used for calculating significance. p=0.1051 for P30 accelerating rotarod test, and p=0.0161 for P90 accelerating rotarod test). (F) Steady speed rotarod performance test of Ttbk2Pcp2 and littermate Controls aging from P30 to P90. At P30 Ttbk2Pcp2 animals do not have a shorter latency to fall time compared to Controls on the steady speed rotarod. However, by P90 there is a drastic reduction in latency to fall time for Ttbk2Pcp2 animals compared to Controls, indicative of impaired motor ability with age (a two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test was used for calculating significance. p=0.7819 for P30 steady speed rotarod test, and p=0.0023 for P90 steady speed rotarod test. n = 6 animals for Control, n = 4 animals for Ttbk2Pcp2). (G) Representative images of Control and Ttbk2fl/fl;Slc1a3-CreER (Ttbk2Slc1a3) animals at 4 months of age (3 months post TMX) treatment, immunostained for Calbindin to label PCs (red), VGLUT2 to label synapses (green) and nuclei (blue). Unlike Ttbk2c.mut and Ttbk2Pcp2 mice, there is no loss of VGLUT2 synapses throughout the PC dendrites of Ttbk2Slc1a3 mice relative to Controls. (H) Quantification of molecular layer length in Ttbk2Slc1a3 and Control animals (each point represents one measurement, 75 measurements per genotype. n = 3 animals. No significance reported by student’s unpaired t-test, error bars indicate SEM). (I) Quantification of VGLUT2+ puncta analysis in Ttbk2Slc1a3 and Control animals. There is no difference in the numbers of puncta between these conditions (each point represents a field analyzed, five images analyzed per animal, n = 3 animals. No significance reported by student’s unpaired t-test, error bars indicate SEM).