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. 2020 Feb 12;10:93. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00093

Table 3.

Sensitivity analyses performed for subgroups of studies.

Analysis No. of study Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PLR (%) NLR (%) DOR (%) AUC (%) I2
Overall 18 0.80 (0.70, 0.88) 0.84 (0.79, 0.88) 4.95 (3.86, 6.35) 0.24 (0.16, 0.35) 21.01 (13.28, 33.24) 0.89 (0.86, 0.91) 93.19%
To early predict the pCR of BC to NAC using DCE-MRI 10 0.87 (0.72, 0.95) 0.82 (0.74, 0.89) 4.86 (3.51, 6.73) 0.16 (0.07, 0.35) 30.31 (13.65, 71.82) 0.90 (0.87, 0.92) 90.09%
To early predict the response?
 Yes 14 0.83 (0.74, 0.90) 0.80 (0.72, 0.87) 4.23 (3.02, 5.91) 0.21 (0.13, 0.33) 20.41 (11.99, 34.76) 0.89 (0.86, 0.91) 94.72%
   No 5 0.71 (0.49, 0.87) 0.86 (0.72, 0.93) 5.00 (2.80, 8.87) 0.34 (0.18, 0.62) 14.72 (7.12, 30.4) 0.87 (0.83, 0.89) 72.0%
Definition of responder
   pCR 14 0.83 (0.67, 0.92) 0.85 (0.79, 0.89) 5.46 (4.17, 7.14) 0.20 (0.11, 0.38) 27.13 (13.97, 52.67) 0.90 (0.87, 0.92) 92.32%
   pCR and near pCR together 5 0.72 (0.57, 0.84) 0.82 (0.68, 0.91) 4.00 (2.30, 6.95) 0.34 (0.22, 0.53) 11.83 (5.51, 25.41) 0.84 (0.81, 0.87) 67.66%
Magnetic field
   3.0-T 11 0.82 (0.68, 0.91) 0.81 (0.73, 0.87) 4.39 (3.16, 6.10) 0.22 (0.12, 0.40) 19.75 (10.07, 38.72) 0.88 (0.85, 0.91) 89.87%
   1.5-T 5 0.85 (0.75, 0.91) 0.84 (0.75, 0.90) 5.23 (3.33, 8.21) 0.18 (0.11, 0.31) 28.79 (13.57, 61.08) 0.91 (0.88, 0.93) 0%
Study design
   Prospective 10 0.86 (0.74, 0.93) 0.80 (0.70, 0.86) 4.20 (2.97, 5.93) 0.18 (0.09, 0.33) 23.74 (12.10, 46,57) 0.89 (0.86, 0.92) 92.11%
   Retrospective 4 0.61 (0.45, 0.74) 0.86 (0.79, 0.92) 4.49 (2.85, 7.09) 0.46 (0.31, 0.66) 9.86 (4.83, 20.15) 0.84 (0.81, 0.87) 0%
Response assessment parameter
   Ktrans 6 0.72 (0.59, 0.83) 0.78 (0.64, 0.88) 3.33 (1.77, 6.24) 0.35 (0.21, 0.59) 9.44 (3.25, 27.43) 0.79 (0.76, 0.83) 0%
   Kep 7 0.76 (0.54, 0.89) 0.76 (0.62, 0.86) 3.20 (2.16, 4.74) 0.32 (0.17, 0.60) 10.11 (4.90, 20.82) 0.83 (0.79, 0.86) 92.86%
   Ve 6 0.42 (0.24, 0.63) 0.89 (0.71, 0.96) 3.79 (1.62, 8.86) 0.65 (0.48, 0.88) 5.84 (2.27, 15.01) 0.71 (0.67, 0.75) 83.37%
   RECIST 5 0.70 (0.45, 0.86) 0.83 (0.74, 0.89) 4.04 (2.87, 5.70) 0.37 (0.19, 0.70) 10.96 (5.00, 24.01) 0.85 (0.82, 0.88) 82.12%

pCR, pathological complete response; near pCR, residual tumor volume < 1 cm3, more than 90% of tumor cells disappeared, non-measurable isolated microscopic foci of reasons for the heterogeneity or in situ disease; Ktrans, transfer constant; Kep, rate constant; Ve, relative extravascular extracellular space; RECIST, response evaluation criteria in solid tumors; BC, breast cancer; NAC, neoadjuvant chemotherapy; DCE-MRI, dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging; PLR, positive likelihood ratio; NLR, negative likelihood ratio; DOR, diagnostic odds ratios; AUC, the area under the curve; %, 95% confidence intervals; I2, the inconsistency index.